- Introduction to ELK Stack
- Introduction to Logstash
- Introduction to Elastic Search
- Searching in Depth
- Dealing with Human Languages
- Aggregation
- Introduction to Data Modeling
- Geo-locations
- Introduction to Kibana
- Discovering the Data in Depth and Dashboard Analysis
1. Introduction to ELK Stack
- An overview of ELK Stack
- Why choose ELK?
- Architecture of ELK
- An explanation of Elastic Search
- Logstash and Kibana
2. Introduction to Logstash
- A brief explanation of Logstash
- Installation process
- Log file configuration
- Stashing process of the first event
- Analyzing logs with Logstash
- Uses of input and output
- Plugins
- Execution model
3. Introduction to Elastic Search
- An overview of Elastic Search
- Installation and running process
- Indexing documents list
- Saving the documents
- Searching the documents
4. Searching in Depth
- Organized Search
- Full-text Search
- Intricate Search
- Phrase Search
- Underlining the Search
- Multi-field Search
- Proximity Matching
- Partial Matching
5. Dealing with Human Languages
- An introduction to various human languages
- Identifying Words
- Controlling Tokens
- Decreasing Words to their actual Root Form
- Stop words: Performance versus Precision
- Synonyms
- Typographical Errors and Spelling Mistakes
6. Aggregation
- An insight into concepts
- A brief introduction to Aggregation
- Analysis process
- Filtering Process of the Aggregations and Queries
- Sorting Multivalue Loads
- Expected Aggregation
- Doc Values and Field Data
7. Introduction to Data Modeling
- Elastic Search versus RDBMS
- Relationships handling
- Nested objects
- Scale Designing
8. Geo-locations
- Major Geo Points
- Geo Hashes
- Geo Aggregations
- Geo Shapes
9. Introduction to Kibana
- An overview of Kibana
- Installation process of Kibana
- Sample data loading process
- Discovering the saved data
- Visualization of the data
- Working with the Dashboard
10. Discovering the Data in Depth and Dashboard Analysis
- Set-up of Time Filter
- Searching of the saved data
- Filtering by the Field
- Viewing the document data
- Viewing the document context
- Viewing the field statistics
- Data visualization
- Dashboard analysis
- Exploring the live data with the ELK Stack