- Module 1: Prime
- Module 2: Synchronous Transition
- Module 3: Sheet Metal
- Module 4: Advanced Part & Assembly Design
Module 1: Prime
1. Interface - The Look
- Learning Tools
- Help
- Tooltips
- Command Finder
- Tutorials
- Take a tour of the User Interface
2. Design
- Design Workflow
- Application Button
- Quick Access Toolbar
- The Ribbon with Tabbed Groups
- Command Bar with Docking Window and Tab Sets
- Prompt and Status Bar
- Mouse Button Options
- Traditional Part Design Workflow
- Creating Models
- Edit and Change
- Adding to the Model
- Manage the Completed Model
3. Draft
- Interface
- Sheets
- Views
- Dimensions and Annotation Tools
- 2D to 3D to 2D Workflow
- Custom Sheets and Title Blocks
4. Assembly
- Interface
- Building the Foundation: Relationships
- Changing that Foundation, No Cracks!
- Component Design Changes
- Tools for Managing the Growing Assembly
5. Assembly Draft
- Views
- Bill of Materials / Parts List
- Explode/Render/Animate – Exploded Views
Module 2: Synchronous Transition
6. Itinerary
- Interface - The New Look
- Learning Tools
- Help
- Tooltips
- Command Finder - Take a Tour of the User Interface
7. Design Workflow
- Application Button
- Quick Access Toolbar
- The Ribbon with Tabbed Groups
- Command Bar with Docking Window and Tab Sets
- Prompt and Status Bars
- Mouse Button Options
8. Design
- Optimized Part Design Workflow
- PRE-ST Design Tools
- Creating HYBRID Models: History-based and PRE-ST
- Working with HYBRID Models
- Synchronous Design
- Workflow
- Real-time Changes
- Live Rules
9. Assembly
- Interface
- Building the Foundation: Relationships
- Changing that Foundation…No Cracks!
- Component Design Changes
- Tools for Managing the Growing Assembly
- Synchronous Assemblies
- Synchronous Assembly Design
Module 3: Sheet Metal
1. Itinerary
- Sheet Metal Design Methods
- Sheet Metal Material's Table
- Sheet Metal Features
- Tab
- Flange
- Contoured Flange
- Lofted Flange
- Close Corner
2. Sheet Metal Features
- Tab
- Flange
- Contoured Flange
- Lofted Flange
- Close Corner
3. Sheet Metal Deformation
- Jogs
- Louvers
- Drawn Cuts
- Dimples
- Beads
- Gussets
4. Additional Sheet Metal Features
- Normal Cutout
- Bend, Unbend, and Rebend
- Break Corner
- Flattening Sheet Metal Parts
5. Documenting Sheet Metal Parts
- Creating Sheet Metal Drawings
- Flat Pattern
- Bend and Punch Tables
6 . Convert to Sheet Metal
- Rip Corner
- Mid-Surface
Module 4: Advanced Part & Assembly Design
1. Part Breakdown
- Where to start, Sketches or Regions?
- Traditional or Synchronous design? Which features to model first
2. Profile/Sketch Tools
- 2D designs that will improve your use of Intellisketch
- Tips for faster more reliable sketching
- Predictable/reliable profiles that won't blow up
3. Optimize Design
- Which features to draw?
- Which featured to model?
- Learn to model the part - not draw it, what are LIVE RULES?
- Combining features to reduce file overhead and control changes
- Model intermediate to difficult parts w/SMART PARTS
4. Assembly Methods and Relationships
- Interface
- Methods (bottom-up / top-down)
- Applying relationships
5. Additional Relationships
- All relationships w/Rapid part placement
- Using ref planes and patterns
6. Editing Assemblies
- Checking tools
- Interference checks
- Dynamic movement
- Editing relationships/models
- Controlling updates
- Move and replace parts
7. View Types
- tools for faster display and response on large assemblies
- 3D Sections, view styles and shortcut
- Modeling assemblies
- Creating detailed drawings
- Practicing your skills with projects
- Working with Solid Edge Embedded Client