- Multiple instruments assignable by tag reference to a classification datasheet
- Easy management of process data across multiple datasheets
- Document management functions, including searching and change highlighting
- Familiar spreadsheet functions such as import/export, format copying, datasheet reuse, configurable printing, PDF creation
- Audit logging, revision control and change reporting
Instrument List
- Data import from Excel, P&IDs or engineering software
- Add, edit and maintain list data, including DCS, PLC and I/O information
- Flexible, user-definable tag formats and list layout
- Change reporting and management
- Data association with datasheets and process equipment
- Data association with the Instrument Designer and Wiring Manager modules
- Automatic update of loop drawing and hook-up document numbers
- Assign wiring rules and generate Wiring Manager module data automatically
Loop List
- Advanced user interface for the easy creation, editing and copying of loops
- Generate Loop Wiring Check reports in pdf format
- Data association with the Instrument Designer and Wiring Manager modules
- Extensive, user-definable report generation, including:
- Instrument and Loop Lists, I/O allocations
- Datasheet List, Process Data List
- Report by datasheet type, by tag, by assignment status, etc.
- Database changes between revisions, audit log
- Flexible print layout and export options