Module 1: Introduction to Open Roads Designer
- Basic Concepts
- Understanding workspace and work sets
- Understanding Feature definition
Module 2: Terrain Modeling
- Creating terrain from file
- Creating terrain from graphical filter
- Creating terrain from elements
- Creating terrain from ASCII file
- Creating terrain from point cloud
- Create terrain by text interpolation
- Create clipped terrain model
- Create complex terrain model
- Create delta terrain model
- Editing a terrain model
- Displaying a terrain model
- Labelling a terrain model
- Exporting terrain to file
Module 3: Geometry Design
- Horizontal design by elements
- Horizontal design by PI
- Horizontal design best fit
- Horizontal design by elements
- Horizontal design by PI
- Horizontal design best fit
Module 4: Template (Typical Section) Design
- Understanding template components
- Understanding point constrains
- Understanding style constrains
- Understanding Display rules
- Understanding alternate surface
- Creating a simple template
Module 5: Roadway Design (Corridor Modeling)
- Creating a corridor
- Creating template drops
- Editing template drops
- Creating template transition
- Editing template transition
- Create end condition exception
- Creating Point control
- Creating secondary alignment
- Creating parametric constrains
- Create curve widening
- Applying super elevation
- Creating corridor surfaces
Module 6: Working with Civil Cell
- Understanding Civil Cell
- Designing a driveway
Module 6: Drawing Production
- Understanding named boundary
- Understanding seed files
- Understanding annotation groups
- Understanding annotation definition
- Creating Plan only
- Creating Plan & Profile Drawings
- Creating Cross section drawings
- Annotating drawings