- Autodesk Inventor Essential
- Autodesk Inventor Advanced
- Autodesk Inventor – Sheet Metal
- Autodesk Inventor- Simulation
- Autodesk Inventor Associate Preparation
- Autodesk Inventor Professional Preparation
Autodesk Inventor Essential
1. Getting Started
- Understanding the User Interface
- Designing Parametric Parts
- Using Project Files for Part Design
2. Sketching, Constraining & Dimensioning
- Creating 2D Sketches
- Constraining the Sketches
- Adding Dimensioning to Sketches
3. Creating and Editing Placed Features
- Creating and Editing Sketched Features
- Intermediate Sketching
- Editing Parametric Parts
- Creating Work Features
- Creating Basic Swept Shapes
- Creating Chamfers and Fillets
- Creating Holes and Threads
- Patterning and Mirroring Features
- Creating Thin-Walled Parts
4. Creating and Editing Drawing Views
- Drawing Creation Environment
- Creating Styles
- Setting Drawing Standards
- Drawing Sheet Preparation
- Creating Title Blocks and Borders
- Base and Projected Views
- Section Views
- Detail Views
- Managing Views
5. Creating and Documenting Assemblies
- Designing Assemblies
- Using Project Files for Assembly Design
- Placing Existing Components in an Assembly
- Constraining Components
- Placing Standard Components Using the Content Center
- Basic Part Design in an Assembly
- Identifying Parts in an Assembly
- Analysis and Motion Tools
- Presenting Your Assembly
- Bill of Materials
- Creating and Customizing Parts Lists
- Creating Balloons
6. Dimensions, Annotations, and Tables
- Automated Dimensioning Techniques
- Manual Dimensioning Techniques
- Annotating Holes and Threads
- Creating Centerlines, Symbols, and Leaders
- Creating Tables
Autodesk Inventor Advanced
1. Getting Started
- Design Philosophies
- Sketching, Modeling, Modification, Display Tips
2. Multi-Body Tools
- Multi-body Part Modeling
3. Advanced Work Features
- User Coordinate System
- Grounded Work Points
4. Lofts & Loft Options
- Area Lofts
- Advanced Sweeps
- Coils
- Analyzing a Model
- Analysis Types, Analysis Procedures
5. Introduction to Surfacing
- Basic Surfaces
- Patch Surfaces
- Stitch Surfaces
- Sculpting with Surfaces
- Thickening and Offsetting a Surface
- Extend and Trim Surface
- Replace Face
- Delete Face
- Copy Surface
- Importing Surfaces
- Repairing Imported Surfaces
6. Custom Sketches
- Create Sketch Symbols
- Place Sketched Symbols
- AutoCAD Blocks in Inventor
7. Engineers Notebook
- Notes
8. Effective Assembly Tools
- General Assembly Tips
- Constraint Tips
- Motion Constraints
- Transitional Constraints
9. Introduction to Top-Down Design
- Top-Down Design
- Top-Down Design Technique
- Additional Top-Down Design Tools
10. Derived Components
- Derived Component
- Modifying Derived Components
11. Assembly Parts and Features
- Assembly Parts
- Assembly Features
12. Associative Links and Adaptive Parts
- Associative Links
- Adaptive Assembly Parts
13. Skeleton Models and Derived Components
- Working with Skeletons
14. iFeatures & iParts
- Creating / Inserting / Editing iFeatures
- Table-Driven iFeatures
- Creating / Inserting / Editing iParts
- Table-Driven iParts
15. Translation
- Import and Export Data
- Import Data Formats
- Importing Solids
16. Drawing Tools
- Create Hole Tables
- Revision Tables and Tags
- Tables for Factory Members
- Surfaces in Drawing Views
17. Design Accelerator
- Design Accelerator
- Generators
- Calculators
18. Inventor Studio
- Introduction to Inventor Studio
- Rendering
- Animation
- Creating a Standard Room
19. iAssemblies
- Introduction
- Create Basic iAssemblies
- Create Multi-Level iAssemblies
- Derived Components
- Modify Derived Components
20. Applying Motion with Constraints
- Driving Constraints
- Motion Constraints
- Transitional Constraints
21. Positional / Level of Detail Representations
- Introduction to Positional representations
- Create and Edit Positional representations
- Using a Positional Representation
- Level of Detail Representations
- System-Defined Level of Detail representations
- User-Defined Level of Detail Representations
- Using Level of Detail Representations
22. Assembly Duplication Options
- Pattern Components
- Mirror Components
- Copy Components
23. Assembly Bill of Materials
- Create Virtual Components
- Create Bill of Materials
- Frame Generator
- Frame Generator
- Structural Shape Author
Autodesk Inventor – Sheet Metal
1. Understanding Sheet Metal Modeling
- Sheet Metal Concepts
- Sheet Metal Terminology
- Sheet Metal Environment
- Sheet Metal Design Process
- Working With Sheet Metal Rules
- Sheet, Bend and Corner Tab Options
- Bend Tables
2. Creating Sheet Metal Features
- Applying Existing Sheet Metal Defaults
- Creating a Face as a Base Feature
- Creating a Contour Flange as a Base Feature
- Creating a Contour Roll as a Base Feature
- Sheet Metal Parameters
- Bend Relief Shapes
- Faces as Secondary Features
- Contour Flanges as Secondary Features
- Contour Rolls as Secondary Features
3. Working with Flanges and Rips
- Creating Flanges
- Corner Relief Options
- Lofted Flanges
- Rips
4. Bending Sheet Metal
- Hems
- Folds
- Bend Features
5. Sheet Metal Cuts
- Creating Cut Features
- Creating Straight Holes
- Using Punch Tool Features
- Cuts Using Surfaces
6. Flat Pattern Environment
- Creating Flat Patterns
- Orienting Flat Patterns
- Punch Representations
- Bend Angle
- Flat Pattern Cleanup
- Exporting to DXF/DWG
7. Documentation
- Documentation and Annotation
- Sheet Metal Drawing Terminology
- Creating Sheet Metal Drawings
- Bend and Punch Notes
- Bend Tables
- Punch Tables
- Bend Order
- Cosmetic Centerlines
8. Converting Parts to Sheet Metal
- Converting Solid Model to Sheet Metal
- Non-Ruled Surfaces
9. Corner Rounds, Chamfers and Seams
- Creating Corner Rounds
- Creating Corner Chamfers
- Creating Corner Seams and Miters
- Creating Corner Rips
- Using Corner Seams and Bends
Autodesk Inventor- Simulation
1. Introduction to Engineering Analysis
- Stress Analysis Overview
2. Stress Analysis
- Preparing and Running a Simulation
- Viewing Results
- Analyzing Assemblies
- Performing a Parametric Design Study
- Mesh Control and Convergence
- Performing a Modal Analysis
3. Engineering Problems and Solution
- Solving Design Problems
Autodesk Inventor Associate Preparation
1. User Interface
- Describe how to use the heads up display (HUD) to create and edit features
- Identify how to use visual styles to control the appearance of a model
2. Project Files
- Describe the options for controlling a project file
3. Sketching
- Recall the function of each sketch constraint
- Demonstrate how to create dynamic input dimensions
4. Part Modeling
- Create extrude features
- Create fillet features
- Create hole features
- Create a pattern of features
- Describe how to use the Project Geometry and Project Cut Edges commands
- Create revolve features
- Create a shell feature
- Create work features and a UCS
5. Drawing
- Explain how to edit a base and
- projected views
- Describe how to create a slice view in a drawing
- Demonstrate how to create and edit dimensions in a drawing
- Describe how to edit a hole table
- Describe how to modify a parts list
- Demonstrate how to edit a section view
6. Assembly Modeling
- Describe the process of finding the minimum distance between parts and components
- Describe the function of the different assembly constraints
- Describe how to modify a bill of materials
- Explain the method of creating a frame using the frame generator command
- Identify uses for surfaces in the modeling process
7. Presentation Files
- Describe how to animate a presentation file
8. Advanced Modeling
- Describe the procress to emboss text and a profile
- Create and constrain sketch blocks
- Describe the process of creating an iAssembly
- Describe the process to create an iPart
9. Sheet Metal
- Demonstrate how to create and edit a sheet metal flat pattern
- Describe the different types of sheet metal flanges that Inventor can create
- Demonstrate how to annotate a sheet metal part in a drawing
Autodesk Inventor Professional Preparation
1. Part Modeling
- Create extrude features
- Create hole features
2. Drawing
- Demonstrate how to edit a section view
- Create a slice view in a drawing
- Demonstrate how to modify a style in a drawing
3. Assembly Modeling
- Apply assembly constraints
- Create a part in the context of an assembly
- Create components using the Design
- Accelerator commands
- Create and edit a frame using the Frame
- Generator command
- Create a level of detail
- Create a positional representation
4. Advanced Modeling
- Create a 3D path using the Intersection Curve and the Project to Surface commands
- Create a multi-body part
- Create a part using surfaces
- Create an iPart
- Create a loft feature
- Create plastic part features
- Create a sweep feature
5. Sheet Metal
- Create flanges using the Flange, Contour Flange, and Lofted Flange commands
6. Weldments
- Create a weldment