Part Modeling & Assembly
1. Introduction to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Modeling Process
- Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Modeling Process
Understanding Pro/ENGINEER Concepts
- Understanding Solid Modeling Concepts
- Understanding Feature-Based Concepts
- Understanding Parametric Concepts
- Understanding Associative Concepts
- Understanding Model-Centric Concepts
- Recognizing File Extensions
Using the Pro/ENGINEER Interface
- Understanding the Main Interface
- Understanding the Folder Browser
- Understanding the Window Menu
- Setting the Working Directory and Opening and Saving Files
- Managing Files in Pro/ENGINEER
- Understanding Basic Display Options
- Creating and Managing View Orientations
- Managing and Editing Appearances
- Setting Up New Part Models
Selecting and Editing
- Understanding Pro/ENGINEER Basic Controls
- Using Drag Handles
- Understanding the Model Tree
- Selecting Items using Direct Selection
- Selecting Items using Query Selection
- Understanding Selection Filters
- Utilizing Undo and Redo Operations
- Editing Features and Regenerating
- Activating and Editing Models
- Using Dynamic Edit
- Deleting and Suppressing Items
Creating Sketcher Geometry
- Reviewing Sketcher Theory
- Understanding Design Intent
- Utilizing ConstraintsSketching Lines
- Sketching Centerlines
- Sketching Rectangles and Parallelograms
- Sketching Circles
- Sketching Arcs
1. Using Sketcher Tools
- Understanding Construction Geometry Theory
- Using Geometry Tools within Sketcher
- Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher
- Modifying Dimensions within Sketcher
- Sketcher Conflicts
Creating Sketches for Features
- Creating Sketches ('Sketch' Feature)
- Specifying the Sketch Setup
- Using Entity from Edge within Sketcher
- Thickening Edges
3. Creating Datum Features: Planes
- Creating Datum Features Theory
- Creating Datum Planes
Creating Extrudes, Revolves, and Ribs
- Creating Solid Extrude Features
- Common Dashboard Options: Extrude Depth
- Common Dashboard Options: Feature Direction
- Common Dashboard Options: Thicken Sketch
- Creating Solid Revolve Features
- Common Dashboard Options: Revolve Angle
- Creating Profile Rib Features
4. Creating Sweeps and Blends
- Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories
- Creating a Parallel Blend Protrusion or Cut
Creating Holes, Shells, and Draft
- Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth
- Creating Linear Holes
- Creating Radial and Diameter Holes
- Creating Shell Features
- Creating Draft Features
- Creating Basic Split Drafts
- Analyzing Draft Hinges and Pull Direction
5. Creating Rounds and Chamfers
- Creating Rounds Theory
- Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges
- Creating Rounds by Selecting Two Surfaces
- Creating Full Rounds
- Creating Chamfers by Selecting Edges
- Analyzing Basic Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes
6. Copy and Mirror Tools
- Copying and Pasting Features
- Moving and Rotating Copied Features
- Mirroring Selected Features
7. Creating Patterns
- Direction Patterning in the First Direction
- Axis Patterning in the First Direction
- Creating Reference Patterns of Features
8. Measuring and Inspecting Models
- Viewing and Editing Model Properties
- Investigating Model Units
- Analyzing Mass Properties
- Measuring Models
- Creating Planar Part Cross-Sections
- Measuring Global Interference
9. Assembling with Constraints
- Understanding Assembly Theory
- Creating New Assembly Models
- Understanding Constraint Theory
- Assembling Components using the Default
- Constraining Components using Insert
- Constraining Components using Mate Coincident
- Constraining Components using Align Coincident
- Constraining Components using Align and Mate Offset
- Constraining Components using Align and Mate Angle
10. Exploding Assemblies
- Creating and Managing Explode States
11. Using Layers
- Understanding Layers
- Creating and Managing Layers
- Utilizing Layers in Part Models
12. Managing Design Intent
- Reordering Features
- Inserting Features
- Redefining Features and Sketches
13. Resolving Failures and Seeking Help
- Understanding and Identifying Failures
- Analyzing Geometry Failures
- Analyzing Open Section Failures
- Understanding Resolve Mode Tools
- Recovering Models
- Using Pro/ENGINEER Help
Sheetmetal Design
1. Introduction to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Sheetmetal Design Process
- Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Sheetmetal Design Process
2. Sheetmetal Model Fundamentals
- Sheetmetal Model Fundamentals
- Understanding Developed Length
- Creating a New Sheetmetal Part in Assembly Mode
- Creating a New Sheetmetal Model in Part Mode
- Converting a Solid Model to a Sheetmetal Model
3. Creating Primary Sheetmetal Wall Features
- Understanding Sheetmetal Wall Features
- Creating Flat Walls
- Extruded Sheetmetal Wall Features
- Revolved Sheetmetal Wall Features
- Sheetmetal Wall Sketching Tools
4. Creating Sheetmetal Secondary Wall Features
- Understanding Secondary Walls
- Creating Secondary Flat Walls
- Using Flange Walls
- Using Extruded Walls
- Wall Dashboard Options
- Understanding Relief
5. Modifying Sheetmetal Models
- Bends
- Bend Options
- Unbend Features
- Bend Back Features
- Flat Pattern
- Sheetmetal Cuts
- Die Form Features
- Punch Form Features
- Rip
6. Sheetmetal Bends and Setting Up the Sheetmetal Environment
- Order of Bend Features
- Fixed Geometry
- Flat States
Surface Modeling
1. Surface Modeling Overview
- Introduction to Surfacing
- Surface Modeling Uses
- Surface Modeling Paradigms
- Freeform Overview
- Blending Surface Modeling Paradigms
- Surfacing Terms
2. Advanced Selection
- Advanced Chain Selection
- Advanced Surface Selection
3. Basic Surfacing Tools
- Creating Surface Extrude Features
- Creating Surface Revolve Features
- Creating Fill Surfaces
- Creating Sweep Surfaces with Open Trajectories
- Creating Parallel Blend Surfaces
- Creating General Blend Surfaces
4. Helical Sweeps
- Understanding Helical Sweeps Theory
- Utilizing Helical Sweeps for Surfaces
5. Creating and Editing Solids using Quilts
- Thickening Surface Quilts
- Solidifying Quilts to Add Material
- Solidifying Quilts to Remove Material
- Solidifying Quilts to Replace Material
- Offsetting Surfaces using the Replace Option
Detailing (Drawing)
1. Introduction to Drawings
- Understanding Drawing Concepts
- Drawing Development Process
- Understanding the Drawing Ribbon User Interface
- Exploring Drawing Ribbon Commands
2. Creating New Drawings
- Creating Drawings Using Formats and Sheets
3. Creating Drawing Views
- Adding General Views
- Adding Projection Views
- Editing Drawing Views
- Editing Visible View Area
- Adding Detailed Views
- Adding 2-D Cross-Section Views
- Modifying Cross Hatching Display .
- Adding Assembly Exploded Views
4. Adding Model Details to Drawings
- Understanding Annotations in Drawings
- Showing, Erasing, and Deleting Annotations
- Adjusting Dimensions and Detail Items
- Changing Dimension Display
5. Adding Notes to Drawings
- Adding and Editing Notes
6. Adding Tolerance Information
- Understanding Dimensional Tolerances
- Understanding Geometric Tolerances
- Setting Up Geometric Tolerance References
- Applying Geometric Tolerances
7. Adding Draft Geometry and Symbols
- Using Surface Finish Symbols
- Using the Symbol Palette and Custom Symbols
8. Using Layers in Drawings
- Understanding Layers in Drawings
- Using Layers in Drawings
9. Creating and Using Tables in Drawings
- Creating and Configuring Tables
10. Using Report Information in Drawings
- Creating Report Tables
- Using BOM Balloons