- Introduction and Methodology
- Create the Building Model
- Construction Documents and Coordination
- Create the Building Model
- Worksharing
Introduction and Methodology
1. Conceptual Underpinnings of Revit MEP
- Building Information Modeling
- Revit MEP Key Concepts
- Exploring an Existing Project
2. User Interface
- Unit Conventions
- Understanding the User Interface
- Right-Clicking
- Navigating in Views
- Selection Methods
- The Almighty Tab Key
- Settings
Create the Building Model
1. Basic Project Setup
- Preparing the Architectural Model
- Purging the Architectural Model
- Creating a New Project
- Linked Project Settings
- Copying Titleblocks
- Load a Titleblock Family and Create Sheets
- Wrapping Up a Project Setup
2. Energy Analysis
- Understanding the Workflow
- Managing the "I" in BIM
- The Importance of Project Collaboration
- Space Elements
- Zones
- Energy Analysis
3. Mechanical Systems
- Mechanical Settings
- Creating a Ceiling Plan View for Coordination
- Placing Air Terminal Devices
- Placing Mechanical Equipment
- Ductwork
- Additional Ductwork Tools
4. Piping Systems
- Plumbing and Pipe Settings
- Boiler Room Piping - Semi-Automatic Approach
- Boiler Room Piping - Manual Approach
5. Electrical Systems
- Placing Electrical Equipment
- Circuiting Equipment
- Checking Connections in System Browser
- Create the Main Service Entrance
- Copy Equipment to a Level
- Create Lighting Views
- Modifying Light Fixture Types
- Lighting Switches
- Switch Systems
- Electrical Fixtures
- Circuit the Receptacles
- Wire Tags
- Define a Special Purpose Receptacle
- Distribution Systems
- Conduit
- Circuiting Mechanical Equipment
- Other Device Types
- Cable Tray
- Lighting Fixture Annotations
- Panel Schedules
- Modify a Panel Schedule Template
- Create an Electrical Equipment Schedule
- Electrical Distribution Basics
- Load Classifications and Demand Factors
- Electrical Settings
Construction Documents and Coordination
1. Detailing and Annotation
- Detailing in Revit
- Annotation
- Drafted Details
- Working with Legacy Details
- Additional Detailing Techniques
2. Working with Schedules and Tags
- Create and Modify Schedule Views
- Editing the Model
- Working with Tags
- Room and Room Tags
- Querying Data
- Add a Color Scheme
- Working with Area Plans
3. Ceiling Plans and Interior Elevations
- Creating Ceiling Elements
- Creating Interior Elevations
- Printing, Publishing, and Exporting
- Print Setup
- Printer Driver Configuration
- Troubleshooting Printing
- Publish to Buzzsaw
- Export to CAD
- Export a DWF File
- Publishing Tools
Create the Building Model
1. Revit Architecture Quick Start
- Create a Small Building
- Working in Other Views
- Edit in Any View
- Round Out the Project
- Preparing Output
2. Creating a Building Layout
- Working with Walls
- Working with Doors and Windows
- Viewing the Model in 3D
3. Setting Up Project Levels and Views
- Working with Levels
- Rough Out the Building Form
- Working with Elevation Views
- Creating Section Views
- Schedule Views
- Sheet Views
- Drafting Views
4. Column Grids and Structural Layout
- Working with Grids & Columns
- Adding Core Walls
- Adding Floors
- Creating Structural Framing
5. Vertical Circulation
- Stairs and Railings
- Commercial Core Layout
- Floors, Landings, and Shafts
- Ramps and Elevators
6. Floors and Roofs
- Creating Roofs
- Editing Roofs
- Creating Floors
- Commercial Project Roof
7. Working with Families
- Kinds of Families
- Family Libraries
- Family Strategies
- Accessing Families in a Project
- Accessing Libraries
- Edit and Create Family Types
- Customizing Families
- Building Custom Families
- Building Parametric Families
1. Ways to Share Work
- Linking and Importing
- Coordination Monitor and Interference Check
2. Worksets
- Understanding Worksets
- Enabling Worksharing