- Module 1: Understanding IT Transformation and Cloud Services
- Module 2: Technology Planning for Cloud Services
- Module 3: Governance Planning for Cloud Services
- Module 4: Financial Planning for Cloud Services
- Module 5: Organizational Planning for Cloud Services
- Module 6: Services Creation and Management
- Module 7: Cloud Services Trends and Futures
- Module 8: Planning and Design Review
Module 1: Understanding IT Transformation and Cloud Services
- Review common IT challenges that often exist even after a cloud adoption has occurred and explain what it means for IT to provide business value.
- List benefits of several common industry IT transformation models.
- Identify the ITaaS model plus the business, cultural, and technical reasons why organizations are adopting ITaaS or a similar model for standing up cloud services.
- Define cloud services and describe how ITaaS supports them in the context of governance, finance, organization, and technology.
- Identify general planning and design steps.
Module 2: Technology Planning for Cloud Services
- Identify innovative practices, tools, and technologies such as DevOps, Microservices, and open source that influence the creation of cloud native applications and cloud services.
- Describe considerations and analysis of workloads and assess application profiles.
- Identify various back-end technology processes and tools that might be helpful for delivering cloud services.
- List orchestration and automation characteristics as critical features for delivering cloud services. Recognize the importance and benefits of measuring and reporting.
- Define the central role of a service catalog for delivering cloud services.
Module 3: Governance Planning for Cloud Services
- Define the various types of governance and their relevance to cloud services.
- Summarize important considerations for the three components of GRC: governance, risk management, and compliance.
- Specify various considerations related to security and trust for cloud services.
Module 4: Financial Planning for Cloud Services
- Identify the financial considerations for IT and its support of services for an ITaaS transformation.
- Explain service funding and define chargeback functions and models.
- List economic drivers for IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS service models as well as service costing and pricing.
Module 5: Organizational Planning for Cloud Services
- Describe the challenges facing organizations that need to deliver cloud services.
- Discuss the organizational considerations when transitioning to cloud services within an ITaaS model.
- Identify new roles, skills, and required competencies.
Module 6: Services Creation and Management
- Outline general and tactical strategies for offering cloud services as well as general considerations for service design.
- Describe service deployment steps, considerations, and models.
- Explain the significance of the service catalog, templates, service level agreements, orchestration, provisioning, and automation when building and deploying services.
- Summarize the importance of collecting measurements for service operations and management.
Module 7: Cloud Services Trends and Futures
- Discuss emerging trends impacting businesses.
- Describe how business is being digitized more than ever before.
- Explain how cloud services are driving business value and achieving positive outcomes.
Module 8: Planning and Design Review
- Develop a cloud services design and present this to the audience.
- Demonstrate how the cloud services design meets the business requirements and constraints that were identified during the assessment process.