Module 1: Docker Administration
- Introduction to Containers
- Introduction to Docker
- Downloading and Installing Docker
- Docker Essential Commands
- Docker Engine
- Understanding Docker Images
- Building Docker Images
- Storing and Retrieving Docker Images from Docker Hub
- Private Registry
- Managing Cgroups
- Building Containers from Images
- Understand Storage Plugins
- Networking Docker Containers
- Data Persistence with Volumes
- Linux Capabilities
- Creating and Managing Certificates
Module 2: Core Concepts of Kubernetes
- Cluster Orchestration
- Looking at K8S Origination at Google
- Open Source
- Benefits
- Design Principles
Module 3: Navigating Kubernetes Architecture
- Master/Node
- Kubectl
- Replication Controller
- Kubelet
- Kube-Proxy
- Persistent Volumes
- Etcd
- High Availability
Module 4: Using Kubernetes Features
- Pods
- Labels
- Services
- Namespaces
- Resource Quota
Module 5: Security and Kubernetes
- Goals
- Roles
- Role Based Access Control
- Policies
- Service Accounts
- Secrets
Module 6: Networking and Kubernetes
- Docker Networking
- Kubernetes Networking
- Pod to Pod
- Exposing Services
Module 7: Logging/Monitoring
- Monitor Cluster Components
- Monitor Applications
- Container Level Monitoring
- Manage Cluster and Application Logs
- Prometheus
Module 8: Practical Kubernetes Examples
- Hello World
- Guestbook
- Metal Load Balancer
Module 9: Application Lifecycle Management
- Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates and rollbacks.
- Know various ways to configure applications.
- Know how to scale applications.
- Understand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application.
Module 10: Roadmap/Beta
- Ingress
- Deployments
- Jobs
- DaemonSets
- Network Plugins