Module 1: Installation
- Installing a Liferay Bundle
- Connecting to external databases and mail servers
- Installing Liferay Manually on an Existing Application Server
Module 2: Configuring Liferay
- Server Administration through the Control Panel
- Plugin Management
- Liferay Marketplace
- Configuring Liferay Services Oriented Architecture
Module 3: Clustering
- Introduction to Cluster Design
- Creating a Liferay Cluster
- Principles of Liferay Clustering
- Configuring Quartz for Job Scheduling
- Syncing the Database Cache across your Cluster
- Clustering Documents and Media
- Syncing Search Indexes
- Setting up a Solr Server
- Session Replication
- Load Balancing using Apache
- Deploying Plugins across a Cluster
Module 4: External Services
- Using External Services for Document Previews
- Setting up ImageMagick Higher Quality Image Previews
- Setting up LibreOffice for Document Conversion
- Configuring Xuggler for Audio/Video Previews
- Setting up Liferay as a WSRP Producer and Consumer
Module 5: Performance Tuning Overview
- Load Testing
- Profiling
- Memory Management
- Garbage Collection
- Cache Optimization
- Optimizing Lucene
- Configuring a Content Delivery Network
- Database Sharding
Module 6: Maintaining Liferay
- Liferay Monitoring
- Backing Up a Liferay Installation
Module 7: Log Levels
- Upgrading Liferay
- Installing Fix Packs Using the Patching Tool