ServiceNow Certified Application Developer Course Content
Module 1: Application Development Overview
- Define application creation
- Determine if an application is a good technical fit with the platform
- Discuss customer application success examples
- List the skills needed to successfully develop applications in ServiceNow
- Provide a high-level overview of the application to be built during class
Module 2: Analysis and Design
- Discuss application design key points
- Examine the Application Development Checklist
- Discuss design considerations
- Determine application platform(s)
- Design database schema
Module 3: Creating an Application and Modules
- Use Guided Application Creator and Studio to develop applications
- Link an application to a Git repository
- Create application files
- Explore table schema and existing business logic
Module 4: Creating and Configuring Application Forms
- Create and modify tables
- Design and create forms
- Create views
- Write, test, and debug client-side and server-side scripts
- Update the GitLab repository
- Publish and install an Application
Module 5: Controlling Access
- Control user access to applications, menus, modules, records, and fields
- Control script and web service access to application records
- Control ability to create applications
- Use fix scripts to migrate artifacts that are not part of an application record
Module 6: Automating an Application
- Use Flow Designer to automate processes
- Use a scheduled script execution to send email
- Generate events for overdue records
- Create application properties
Module 7: Importing and Integrating
- Import records from an Excel file
- Use Web Services to integration to an external data source
- Use Web Services to integrate to a ServiceNow instance
Module 8: Service Catalog
- Improve user interaction with application
- Create a friendly interface for interacting with an application
- Configure the Service Catalog
- Write, test, and debug Service Catalog client-side and server-side scripts
Module 9: Testing
- Review Software Testing Life Cycle
- Explore different testing options