Module 1: Introduction to Snowflake
- How different from traditional DB like (Oracle)
- Quick start to Snowflake and accessing trial account
- Creating warehouse, DB, Schema, and tables
- Accessing different roles and using it
- Working with worksheets
- Understanding different types of accounts
Module 2: Understand Cloud Platforms
- AWS and understanding S3 storage
- Snowflake architecture and caching
- AZURE and understanding blob storage
- GCP and understanding Bucket storage
Module 3: Data Loading and Unloading in Snowflake Cloud Platform
- File formats
- Internal and external storage Copy into usage
- Snowflake internal storage
- Accessing Cloud storage data into Snowflake (GCP, AZURE and AWS)
- Data unloading
Module 4: Snowpipe
- Accessing Snowpipe PUT and GET commands
- Bulk loading from cloud storage Continuous loading
Module 5: Partner Connect with Snowflake
- Snowflake Connector and use cases Python
- BI connectors use cases
- Other connectors hands-on
Module 6: Handling JSON and Semi structure data in Snowflake Cloud Data Platform
- Variant Datatype
- File format options
- Creating stages
- Loading JSON semi-structured data into SF tables
- Accessing JSON with select statement
Module 7: Scheduling with Snowflake
- Creating Tasks Streams
- Accessing procedures with tasks
- Scheduling as per time with Different time zones
- Automate loading process Daily and Weekly
Module 8: Secure Data Sharing
- Usage of sharing data
- Sharing data with different accounts
- Sharing data with non-SF accounts using reader accounts Importance of reader accounts
- Privileges in data sharing
- Challenges with cross-region sharing and understanding replication Connecting shared objects with BI tools like POWER BI
- Limitations with Data sharing
Module 9: Cloning in Snowflake
- Access Control Privileges for Cloned Objects Cloning and Snowflake Objects
- Impact of DDL on Cloning
- Impact of DML and Data Retention on Cloning
Module 10: Time travel & Failsafe in Snowflake
- Introduction to Time Travel Querying Historical Data
- Enabling and Disabling Time Travel Data Retention Period
- Cloning Using Time Travel (Databases, Schemas, and Tables Only)
Module 11: Clustering and Performance techniques
- Creating multi clusters of large tables
- Performance techniques