Module 1: Introduction to Cypress
- What is Cypress?
- Architecture of Cypress
- How it is different from Selenium?
- From website ‘How it works?’
- From website ‘Features’
- Run Sample code and explain Test Runner and Playground.
Module 2: Installation & Setup
- Prerequisites
- Create a project
- Cypress installation
- Cypress configuration
- Cypress json file
- Package.json
- Explain folder structure
Module 3: Interaction with Web Elements
- DOM Terminology
- Test Structure
- Types of locators
- First Sample
- Launching URL
- Finding Web elements
- Implict wait, pause and debug
- Saving Subject of the command
- Invoke command
- Checkboxes and Radio buttons
- Lists and Dropdowns
- Web Tables
- Popups and Tooltips
- Handling child windows
- Handling frames
- Cypress Assertions
- Chaining Assertions
- Shadow DOM
Module 4: Deep Diving into Cypress commands and it’s Asynchronous Nature
- Understanding get and find commands
- Grabbing the text for validations using cypress text command
- Understanding the diff between Jquery methods and cypress commands
- Handling Async promises with Cypress
- Handling invisible elements in cypress
Module 5: Cypress Basics
- Running tests in Headless mode
- Implicit Waits, pause, debug
- Validating counts of elements on the page
- Cypress logs
- Browser Refresh and reload
- Variables and aliases
- Screenshots
Module 6: Cypress Advanced
- Environment variables
- Using Fixtures
- Custom commands
- Hooks
- POM in cypress
- BDD with Cucumber
- Mocks and Stub
- API testing
- Cypress Retries
- Cypress Reporters
- Running different browsers
- Cross Browser Testing
- Visual Testing
- Cypress Dashboard
- Cypress End-to-End Testing
- Cypress testing in CI environment
- Introduction to Git
- Introduction to Jenkins
- Running Cypress testing in different browser from Jenkins