Module 1: What is Design Thinking?
- What are wicked(complex) problems?
- The concept of design thinking
- Purpose of design thinking
- Design Thinking vs User-Centered Design
- Solution-based vs Problem based thinking & Discovering problems
- Identifying Technology problems and products
- Refining Problem definitions
- Distinguishing symptoms, problems, and root causes
- Refining problem definitions
- Exercise
Module 2: Design Thinking Process
- The 4 principles of design thinking
- The 5 phases of design thinking
- Obstacles in each phase
- Tools to be used in each phase
- Understanding Design Thinking as a non-linear process
- A deeper look at design thinking tools
- Immersion
- Visualization
- Mind Mapping
- Rapid Iteration
- Assumption Testing
- Prototyping
- Finding Value Proposition
- Learning Launch
- Collaborative Creation
- Exercise