- 1. ETL Tool: Informatica 9.x.x/8.x.x/7.x.x
- 2. Transformation
- 3. Oracle (SQL/PL SQL) Concepts
- 4. UNIX Concepts
1. ETL Tool: Informatica 9.x.x/8.x.x/7.x.x
- Introduction to ETL process
- Understanding of Power center
- Informatica Architecture
- Basic terms and concepts
- Informatica Tools
- Informatica Repository manager
- Creating user and privileges
- Defining Relational connection
- Homogenous and Heterogeneous source concepts
- Introduction to ETL process
- Defining Sources
- Creating Target definition
- Mapping Designer
- Mapplet Designer
- Working with Mapping
- UDF (User Defined Function)
- Mapping parameter
- Mapping Variables
- Parameter File
- Session
- Tasks
- Worklet
- Link
- Function and References
- Workflow
- Defining Connection
2. ETL Tool: Informatica 9.x.x/8.x.x/7.x.x Transformation
- Source Qualifier
- Expression
- Filter
- Router
- Joiner
- Sequence Generator
- Aggregator
- Rank
- Union
- Update Strategy
- Transaction Control
- Connected Lookup
- Unconnected Lookup
- Stored procedure
3. ETL Tool: Informatica 9.x.x/8.x.x/7.x.x Oracle (SQL/PL SQL) Conceps
- Introduction to Oracle (SQL/ SQL&PL/SQL)
- Joining Concepts
- Sub queries and Correlated Queries
- Interview Tips
4. ETL Tool: Informatica 9.x.x/8.x.x/7.x.x UNIX Concepts
- Introduction to UNIX
- Basic command
- Unix Interview question
- Scenario Based question on Informatica/Unix/oracle