- Module 1: Introduction
- Module 2: MemSQL Fundamentals for Administrators
- Module 3: Installing MemSQL
- Module 4: MemSQL Ops
- Module 5: Securing MemSQL and MemSQL Ops
- Module 6: Managing Upgrades
- Module 7: Operating MemSQL
- Module 8: Certification
Module 1: Introduction
- Software Requirements
- Verify SSH access to AWS EC2
Module 2: MemSQL Fundamentals for Administrators
- Architecture Concepts
- LAB: Configure your AWS EC2 host instances
- Rowstore and Columnstore -- Rowstore
- Rowstore and Columnstore -- Columnstore
- LAB: Install MemSQL Manually (no MemSQL Ops)
- Data Distribution
- Distributed Joins
- Reference Tables
- LAB: Create the mycompany database
- Designing a Cluster
- Expanding a Cluster
- Appendix: A Deeper Look into MemSQL's Columnstore implementation
Module 3: Installing MemSQL
- Manual Installation
- Installing MemSQL Ops
- LAB: MemSQL Installation with MemSQL Ops
- Advanced Installation Scenarios
- LAB: MemSQL Installation with MemSQL Ops with the CLI no SSH
Module 4: MemSQL Ops
- MemSQL Ops WebUI
- MemSQL Ops Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Common Shell Scripts with MemSQL Ops
- LAB: Multi-node SQL bash shell script
MModule 5: Securing MemSQL and MemSQL Ops
- Securing MemSQL and MemSQL Ops
- MemSQL Client to Custer and Node to Node Security
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Row Level Security
- LAB: Cluster Security
- LAB: Securing MemSQL Ops and all MemSQL nodes
- Appendix: Setting the root user password
Module 6: Managing Upgrades
- Upgrade MemSQL Ops
- LAB: Upgrade MemSQL Ops
- MemSQL Offline and Online Upgrade
- LAB: Offline Upgrade
Module 7: Operating MemSQL
- Transaction Models
- High Availability
- Cluster Replication
- LAB: Snapshot
- Backup and Restore
- Failover and Recovery
- LAB: Kill a Leaf
- LAB: Manually promote partitions
- Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
- Appendix: Explain, Analyze, Profile
- Appendix: MemSQL kill scenarios
- Requirements for Certification
- MemSQL Administrator Certification Exam
- ORDER BY ASC - Onsite Training Survey