Ansible Course Content
Module 1: Setting Up the Environment in AWS
- Creating an Access Key for Ansible to access AWS portal through API
- Setting Up that Access Key in Ansible
- Why Boto?
Module 2: Machine Deployment (I hate Click Click)
- A Playbook to do our job
- Playbook Syntax
- Running the playbook
Module 3: Automating Patch Deployment in Multiple Machines from different Distribution
- Setting Up Keyless authentication between Master and Slave
- Setting Up Key Based and User based Authentication
- Adding hosts to Inventory
- Writing Play to do our task
- Conditional Statements to meet our needs
Module 4: Automating on Prem (Linux)
- Setting Up the Environment
- Installing Ansible
- Setting Up Master and Slave
- Setting Secure Authentication with user name and password/Keyless Auth
- Creating multiple users in remote machine or AWS
- Using loops
- What if user details are in a different file, solving this use case as well
- Using file lookups for some more inputs
Module 5: Automating on Prem (Windows)
- Introducing Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Setting up connectivity between Master and Slave
- Running some basic commands
Module 6: Problem Statements
- Sending Updates and Windows Patches
- Will write roles for it
- Application Installation but separating the machine types
- Using Facts and Vars to achieve this through a Role
- Set Up Users and Groups (AD)
- Again, Use of Roles
Module 7: Securing Our Secrets
- Setting Up Ansible Vault
- Using Ansible Vault to secure AWS keys
- Using Ansible Vault to secure Vars
- Problem: Secure the Admin Creds of Machines in Inventory
- Use Ansible Vault to secure the secret
- Decrypt the key while running the playbook
Module 8: Getting Disciplined with Roles
- Role Architecture
- Different components of Role
- Create your first role
- Deploy a complete website and configure it using role
- Deploy AWS machine using Role
Module 9: Automating Ansible playbooks with Jenkins
- Configuring Jenkins Server and Agent Machine
- Installing in Ubuntu 18.04
- Setting up agent machine
- Setting up Git Triggers
Configuring Secrets
- Setup user credentials
- Setup plugins in Jenkins
Configuring complete CI/CD for Ansible playbooks and roles
- Testing the playbook before execution
- Running the playbook
- Setting up complete CI/CD process for testing and executing playbook or role