- Module 1: Introduction of DevOps®
- Module 2: Version Control, GIT
- Module 3: Jenkins
- Module 4: Docker
- Module 5: Ansible
- Module 6: Puppet
- Module 7: Automation with chef
- Module 8: Vagrant
- Module 9: Monitoring with Nagios
Module 1: Introduction of DevOps®
- Understand DevOps, its roles and responsibilities
- DevOps problems and solutions
- Identify cultural impediments and overcome it
- Understand the infrastructure layouts and its challenges
- Network Concepts at Enterprise Scale
Module 2: Version Control, GIT
- Introduction
- How GIT Works
- Working Locally with GIT
- Working Remotely with GIT
- Branching and Merging
- Resolve merge Conflict
Module 3: Jenkins
- Introduction of Jenkins
- Install and setup Jenkins
- Introduction about Maven project
- Setup Jenkins with Maven Project
- Continuous Build and Deployment
- Build Pipeline View Project
- Generate Reports & Enable Mail Notification
- Jenkins to run script remotely
- Add Jenkins node/slave
- Run Jenkins behind apache proxy
Module 4: Docker
- Docker Introduction
- Docker Installation
- Major Docker Components
- Manage Docker Images & container
- Manage Docker images from Docker file
- Docker Volume
- Docker Networking
- Docker Swarm (Cluster Management)
Module 5: Ansible
- Introduction about Automation
- Ansible architecture
- Ansible Modules
- Manage tasks by Add-hoc method
- How to write Playbooks
- Variables and Facts in Playbook
- Condition & Loop and Notify & handler in playbook
- Manage Templates file And Roles Structure
- Vault Encryption in Ansible
- Ansible Integration with Aws Cloud
- Ansible Tower Management
- Ansible Tower Management
Module 6: Puppet
- Introduction Puppet architecture
- Installation Puppet Server and agent
- Puppet DSL
- Creating Manifests file
- Variable and Factor and Condition in Manifests
- Puppet Template File
- Puppet Modules
Module 7: Automation with chef
- Chef Architecture
- Installation Chef Server
- Installation Chef Workstation
- Installation Chef Agent
- Chef Cookbooks
- Chef Recipes
- Tools- Knife and Scripting
- Chef Development Kit (ChefDK)
Module 8: Vagrant
- Vagrant Introduction and Installation
- About Vagrant File
- Prepare machine By Vagrant file
- Integration with Ansible & Puppet
Module 9: Monitoring with Nagios
- Nagios Overview
- Understand Nagios Architecture
- Install and Setup Nagios on Linux
- Install and setup NRPE client
- Setup monitoring
- Enable email alert