- 1. Introduction to Embedded Systems
- 2. Basics of Microcontrollers
- 3. Introduction to ARM Processors
- 4. ARM7 Architecture
- 5. ARM Processor Programming
- 6. I/O Device Interface and practical
- 7. Advance I/O
- 8. GPIO and hardware timers programming
- 9. Serial communication in ARM7
- 10. Creating Simple Embedded Operating System
- 11. Project
- 12. Conclusion
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems
- Definition for embedded System
- Features of embedded system
- Examples about present applications of embedded systems
- Difference between CISC and RISC processors
- Difference between Von Neumann and Hardware systems
- Difference between processor and controllers
- About compilers, cross compilers and IDE (brief information of all these things)
2. Basics of Microcontrollers
- Introduction to Microcontrollers
- 8/16/32 Bit Microcontrollers
- General Architecture of Microcontrollers
- Pin Configuration of Microcontrollers (Packages)
3. Introduction to ARM Processors
- Introduction of ARM Processors
- Evolution of ARM
- 32 - bit Programming
4. ARM7 Architecture
- ARM7 Architecture
- Instruction Set Architecture
- LPC21xx Description
- Memories & Peripherals
5. ARM Processor Programming
- ARM Processor Programming in C
- Using ARM Programming Tools
- Debugging Techniques (JTAG)
6. I/O Device Interface and practical
- Study of Input Output Devices
- LED Display
- Intelligent LCD Display
- Stepper Motors and Types of Stepper Motors
- Serial Communication Concepts
- I2C Protocol
- SPI Protocol
- Practices on Boards
7. Advance I/O
- SD/MMC Card
- GSM Module
- Practices on Board
8. GPIO and hardware timers programming
- PIN connect block description
- PINSEL register description
- IODIR, IOSET, IOCLR description
- Style of coding for I/O
- Timer registers descriptions (MR, TC, TCR etc)
- Timer C programming
- Generating 1 sec delay using hardware timers
9. Serial communication in ARM7
- Serial communication introduction
- UART0 and UART1 description
- U0TH, URBR, U0LSR etc registers description
- Sample code for receiving and transmitting
10. Creating Simple Embedded Operating System
- Introduction to real time systems
- Hard real time systems v/s soft real time systems
- Steps for creating tasks scheduler
- Setting timer in FIQ interrupt mode
11. Project
- Projects based on ARM processor
12. Conclusion
- Latest trends in ARM Processor
- Introduction to ARM9
- Introduction to RTOS
- Introduction to Embedded Linux on ARM
- Introduction to Robotics