- 1. Introduction to ARM Architecture
- 2. Introduction to Phillips LPC21XX
- 3. System peripherals of LPC21XX
- 4. User peripherals of LPC2148
- 5. Basic interfacings
- 6. Introduction to MATLAB
- 7. Basics of MATLAB
- 8. MATLAB Programming Basics
- 9. Programming Concepts
- 10. Graphics
- 11. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designing
- 12. External Interface
1. Introduction to ARM Architecture
- Introduction of ARM Architecture
- Evolution of ARM Architecture
- Pipeline Concept
- ARM7 Architecture
- ARM7 Based Microcontrollers
2. Introduction to Phillips LPC21XX
- General description of LPC21XX
- Features of LPC21XX
- Block diagram & pin description
- Memory map & bus structure
3. System peripherals of LPC21XX
- Memory Accelerated (MAM)
- Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
- Power Control
- APB (ARM peripheral Bus ) divider
- Interrupt system
- Wake –up Timer
- Brown- out detection
- Pin Connect Block
- Vector interrupt Control (VIC)
4. User peripherals of LPC2148
- Register description, Pin configuration, Features & applications of:
- GPIO (General purpose input output)
- Timer/Counter
- PWM (Pulse Width modulation)
- RTC (Real Time Clock)
- WDT (Watch Dog Timer)
- UART (Universal asynchronous receiver & transmitter)
- I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
- SSP (Synchronous Serial Port)
- ADC (Analog to Digital Convertor)
- DAC (Digital to Analog Convertor)
5. Basic interfacings
- Switch
- Keypad matrix
- LED matrix
- 7 – segment Display
- LCD - 2X16 Dot Matrix
- 8 bit mode
- 4 bit mode
- Motors
- DC Motor
- Stepper Motor
- Servo Motor
- Relay
- IR – sensor
6. Introduction to MATLAB
- MATLAB introduction
- Why, Where & Who Can use MATLAB
- Power of MATLAB
- MATLAB Software Introduction
7. Basics of MATLAB
- Variables, Data types & Operators
- Arrays, Matrix &Cells
- Functions
- Basic commands & functions
- Working with Matrix
8. MATLAB Programming Basics
- M-File editing
- Debugging M-file
- Calling functions
- Writing functions
- Basic Input Output Functions
- Data import & export
- Text file & excel Sheets
9. Programming Concepts
- Control flow
- Data types & Classes
- Use of Cell Arrays, Structures, Character & Strings
10. Graphics
- Introduction to graphs & plots
- Different type of plot designing
- 2D & 3D plots
- Scientific data based plots
- Plot editing & handling
- Plotting Images
11. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designing
- Introduction to GUI
- GUIDE tool
- GUI Designing
- GUI programming
- GUI interfacings
- Executable file Designing
12. External Interface
- Image Processing
- Audio & Video Processing
- Serial Port Interfacing
- Getting familiarize with the SIMULINK user interface
- Creating a new model
- Opening an existing model
- Brief study of the components of the SIMULINK
- Introduction to Model-Based design
- Importing and exporting data from and to the workspace
- Creating a SIMULINK model out of the mathematical equations
- Creating SIMULINK model of the dynamic systems