- 1. Introduction
- 2. Microcontroller ATMEL ATmega8515/ATmega32
- 3. Assembly Language
- 4. IO Device Interface and practical
- 5. Advance IO
- 6. Advance assemble and C Language
- 7. Conclusion
- 8. Projects
1. Introduction
- Introduction of Embedded System
- Evolution in Microcontroller technology
- Past, Present & Future of Embedded System
2. Microcontroller ATMEL ATmega8515/ATmega32
- Hardware Details
- Pin Diagram
- AVR Architecture
- Interrupts and Timers
- Microcontroller AVR Assembly Language
- AVR Studio
3. Assembly Language
- Assembly Language of AVR Microcontroller
- Use of Assemblers & Simulator
- Programming for AVR
- Examples programs for AVR
4. IO Device Interface and practical
- Study of Input Output Devices
- LED Display,7-Segment
- DIP Switch
- Intelligent LCD Display
- Matrix Keyboard
- Opto-Isolators, Relay
- Stepper Motors and Types of Stepper Motors
- Serial Communication Concepts
- Practices on interfacing circuits
5. Advance IO
- SPI Protocol
- TWI, I2C
- Serial Memory
- On chip Peripherals PWM
6. Advance assemble and C Language
- Preprocessor directives
- Inline assembly in C
- Calling of Assembly function in C
- Convert all Assembly Program in C
- AVR Studio, WINAVR C, Code Vision AVR
7. Conclusion
- Latest trends in embedded fields
- Introduction to In Circuit Emulators
- Introduction to JTAG debug interface
- Introduction to RTOS
8. Projects
- Projects in Embedded System using AVR
- Electronic Voting Machine
- Robotic ARM
- Remotely Controlled Application