- Module 1: Introduction to VLSI Module 2: CMOS
- Module 2: CMOS
- Module 3: FPGA Flow
- Module 4 : Project Software Package
Module 1: Introduction to VLSI Module 2: CMOS
Module 2: CMOS
- MOS Fundamentals and Characterization
- NMOS/PMOS/CMOS Technologies
- Fabrication Principles
- Different Styles of Fabrication for NMOS/PMOS/CMOS
- Design with CMOS Gates
- Characterization of CMOS Circuits
- Scaling Effects
- Sub-Micron Designs
- Parasitic Extraction and Calculations
- Subsystem Design
- Layout Representation for CMOS Circuits
- Design Exercise using CMOS
- Introduction of IC Design
- Different Methodologies for IC Design
- Fabrication Flows and Fundamentals
Module 3: FPGA Flow
- Re-configurable Devices, FPGA’s/CPLD’s
- Architectures of XILINX, ALTERA Devices
- Designing with FPGAs
- FPGA’s and its Design Flows
- Architecture based coding
- Efficient resource utilization
- Constrains based synthesis
- False paths and multi cycle paths
- UCF file creation
- Timing analysis/Floor Planning
- Place and route/RPM
- Back annotation, Gate level simulation, SDF Format
- Writing Scripts
- Hands on experience with industry Standard Tools
- ASIC Flow
Module 4: Project Software Package
- Xilinx ISE