- 1. Introduction to Embedded System
- 2. Introduction to Embedded C
- 3. Programming Embedded Systems In C
- 4. Hello, Embedded World
- 5. Adding Structure To Your Code
- 6. Programming & Interfacing Using Embedded C
1. Introduction to Embedded System
- History & need of Embedded System
- Basic components of Embedded System
- Hardware Classification of Embedded System
- Programming Language Classification of Embedded System
- Advantage & Disadvantage of Low level & High level programming language of Embedded System
2. Introduction to Embedded C
- Introduction to Embedded C
- Different between C & Embedded C
- Data type of Embedded C
- Operators of Embedded C
- Statements & loops of Embedded C
3. Programming Embedded Systems In C
- Introduction
- What is an embedded System?
- Which processor should you use?
- Which programming language should you?
- Which operating system should you use?
- How do you develop embedded software?
4. Hello, Embedded World
- Introduction
- Installing the Keil software and loading the project
- Configuring the simulator
- Building the target
- Running the simulation
- Dissecting the program
- Aside: Building the hardware
5. Adding Structure To Your Code
- Introduction
- Object-oriented programming with C
- The Project Header (Main .H)
- The Port Header (Port .H)
- Example: Restructuring the ‘Hello Embedded World’ example
- Example: Restructuring the goat-counting example
- Further examples
6. Programming & Interfacing Using Embedded C
- Programming of Timer & Counter
- Programming of Serial Port
- Programming of Interrupt
- LCD Interfacing
- Motor Interfacing
- Key board Matrix Interfacing