- 1. Introduction to MATLAB®
- 2. How to deal with Matrices and Arrays in MATLAB®
- 3. Creating Scripts in MATLAB®
- 4. Plotting Commands
- 5. Flow control Commands
- 6. User defined functions
- 7. Functioning and use of predefined functions
- 8. External Interfaces (serial Port)
- 9. The MATLAB®®Desktop
- 10. MATLAB® Help
- 11. MATLAB® Programming
- 12. MATLAB® Editor and Debugger
- 13. Graphics
- 14. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designing
- 15. Introduction to Simulink
- 16. External Interface
- 17. Practicals / Projects
- 18. Solutions to the Problems
- 19. Arithmetic MATLAB® Operations
1. Introduction to MATLAB®
- What is MATLAB®?
- Elementary MATLAB® Constructs
- MATLAB® Variables
- Arithmetic Operations
- Logical and Relational Operations
- Mathematical Functions
- Graphical Functions
- I/O Operations
- Import Wizard
- Special I/O Functions
- The MATLAB® Search Path
- Elementary Matrix Manipulations
- More Complicated Data Structures
- Structures
- Cell Arrays
- Definition of Cell Arrays
- Access to Cell Array Elements
2. How to deal with Matrices and Arrays in MATLAB®
- Vector in MATLAB®
- Matrices in MATLAB®
- Methods of accessing Matrix Elements
3. Creating Scripts in MATLAB®
- Matrices operations
- Addition, subtractions of matrices of n numbers rows and columns
- Multiplication of Matrices of nxm and mxn row column.
4. Plotting Commands
- One dimensional plots
- Two dimension plots
- Three dimension plots
5. Flow control Commands
- IF statements
- While Statements
- For Loops
6. User defined functions
- Creating functions in MATLAB® environment
- Calling functions
- Executing functions
7. Functioning and use of predefined functions
- Study of various predefined functions of MATLAB®
- GUI development
- Need of GUI
- Creating GUI
- Interfacing of MATLAB® script and GUI
8. External Interfaces (serial Port)
- Interfacing the MATLAB® script to the real world through RS232
- Study of commands required to send / receive data through serial port
- Develop an application for interfacing external hardware to the PC throughMATLAB®.
9. The MATLAB® Desktop
10. MATLAB® Help
11. MATLAB® Programming
- MATLAB® Procedures
- MATLAB® Functions
- MATLAB® Language Constructs
- The Function eval
- Function Handles
- Solution of Differential Equations
- M-File editing
- Debugging M-file
- Calling functions
- Writing functions
- Basic Input Output Functions
- Data import & export
- Text file& excel Sheets
12. MATLAB® Editor and Debugger
- Editor Functions
- Debugging Functions
- Symbolic Calculations With The Symbolics Toolbox
- Symbolic “Auxiliary Calculations”
13. Graphics
- Introduction to graphs & plots
- Different type of plot designing
- 2D & 3D plots
- Scientific data based plots
- Plot editing & handling
- Plotting Images
14. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designing
- Introduction To GUI
- GUIDE tool
- GUI Designing
- GUI programming
- GUI interfacings
- Executable file Designing
15. Introduction to Simulink
- What is SIMULINK®?
- Operating Principle and Management of Simulink
- Constructing a Simulink Block Diagram
- Parameterizing Simulink Blocks
- Simulink Simulation
- Solving Differential Equations with Simulink
- Simplification of Simulink Systems
- The Fcn Block
- Construction of Subsystems
- Interaction with MATLAB®
- Transfer of Variables between
- Simulink and MATLAB®
- Iteration of Simulink Simulations in MATLAB®
- Transfer of Variables Through Global Variables
- Dealing with Characteristic Curves
16. External Interface
- Image Processing
- Audio & Video Processing
- Serial Port Interfacing
17. Practicals / Projects
- Hello World
- Personalized Hello World
- Hello World with Input
- Simple Menu
- File Reading and Writing
- Writing a File
- Reading a File
- Sorting
- Working with Biological Images
- Creating a Sub-image
- Working with Multiple Images
- Working with a Sound File
- Permutations
- Approaching a Problem and Using Heuristics
- Making Permutations Faster
- A Faster Way
- Measuring Time
- The Growth of the Problem
- Search a File
- A Side Note About System Commands
- DNA Matching
- Our Search Through a File
- Buffering Our Data
- A Further Check
- Generating Random Data
- Analyzing a Car Stereo
- A Fun Sound Effect
- Another Fun Sound Effect
- Why Divide By 2?
- Stereo Test Conclusion
- Drawing a Line
- Finding Points Along a Line
- Coding the Solution to Points Along a Line
- Drawing the Line
- Drawing a Frame
- Filling a Diamond Shape
- Drawing an Entire Cube
- Adjusting Our View
- Epilogue
18. Solutions to the Problems
- Solutions to the MATLAB® Problems
- Solutions to the Simulink® Problems
19. Arithmetic MATLAB® Operations
- Arithmetic Operations as Matrix Operations
- Arithmetic Operations as Field Operations