- 1. Introduction to Automation
- 2. Introduction to SCADA Communication
- 3. Application Development
- 4. AC Drives
1. Introduction to Automation
- Brief Description of a Control System
- Micro Controller, PID Controller, PLC Controller
- History & Need of Industrial Automation
- Application of Industrial Automation
- Basic Components of Automation
- Hardware Classification of Automation
2. Introduction to SCADA Communication
- Introduction to SCADA Software
- Creating a new SCADA Project
- GUI Designing
- Tag Substitutions
- Dynamic Process Graphic
- Real Time and Historical Trend
- Alarms & Event
- Recipe Management
- Attaching controls to graphic object, Sizing, Blinking, Filling, Analog Entry, Movement of Objects and Visibility
- SCADA and Networking
- Communication with PLC
- Interfacing SCADA via Excel, via PLC, via Relay, via Motor/LED
- Fault finding/Troubleshooting
3. Application Development
- Creating a new SCADA application
- Creating Database of Tags
- Creating & Editing graphic display with animation
- Data Entry / Start Stop command
- Analog entry
- Sizing
- Movement
- Blinking
- Visibility
- Filling
- Trending
- Creating & Accessing Real-time Trends
- Creating & Accessing Historical Trends
- Creating Alarms & Events
- Writing logic through script
- Application script
- Condition
- Data Change
- Window script
- Special functions
- Connectivity with the different hardware
- Communication protocols
- Communication with PLC
- Communication with Data Acquisition System
- Connectivity between software
- Communication with Excel
- Communication with Visual Basic
- Commissioning the network nodes
- Troubleshooting the application
4. AC Drives
- Fundamentals of AC Drive
- Block diagram of AC drive
- Configuration of different drives
- Control of drive with and without PLC
- Various applications of AC Drive
- Interfacing with PLC