- Module 1: Introduction to VLSI
- Module 2: Advanced Digital Design
- Module 3: VHDL
- Module 4: Synthesis of VHDL
- Module 5: Project Software Package
Module 1: Introduction to VLSI
Module 2: Advanced Digital Design
Combination Device
- Adders
- Subtractor
- Mux/Demux
- Encoder/Decoder
- Parity checker/generator
Sequential Device
- Flip Flops
- Latchs
- Register Application
- Shifters
- Counters
- Memory
Logic Implementation
- Using FSM
- Logic Mapping
Module 3: VHDL
Introduction HDL's
- Introduction to HDL's (VHDL)
- Introduction to Design Levels
Code Structure
- Fundamental VHDL units
- LIBRARY Declaration
- Entity Declaration
- Architecture Declaration
Data Types
- Pre-defined Data Types
- User Defined Data Type
- Data Conversion
Operator & attributes
- Operators
- Attributes ,User Defined attributes
- Generic
- Operator Overloading
Primitive Programming
- Introduction to Primitive Programming
- Primitives List
- Use of Primitive
- Signal Declaration and use of Signal
Data Flow Programming
- Introduction to Data Flow Programming
- Use of Operators
- When Statements, Data Flow designing
Behavioral Programming
- Introduction to Behavioral Programming
- Process
- Signals and variables
- Wait statements
- Case Statement
Signals & Variables
State Machine designing
Memory Designing
- RAM Designing
- ROM Designing
Structural Programming
- Component
- Port map
- Interface method
Function & Procedure
Advanced Topic in VHDL
- Package Declaration
- Introduction to assert ,Configuration
- Delay Model
- Test Bench
Module 4: Synthesis of VHDL
Module 5: Project Software Package
- ModelSIM
- Xilinx