Course 80541A: Payroll in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Payroll Setup
- 3. Benefits Setup
- 4. Scheduling
- 5. Position Setup
- 6. Worker Setup
- 7. Payroll Processing
1. Introduction
- Introduction to payroll in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
- How payroll works with Human Resource Management (HRM)
- How payroll works with other modules
2. Payroll Setup
- Setting Up the Module Parameters
- Pay Cycles and Pay Periods
- Calculation Frequencies
- Earning Codes
- Tax Setup
- General Ledger Setup
- Accounts Payable Setup
3. Benefits Setup
- Benefit Elements
- Contribution Calculation Rates
- Create Benefits
- Benefit Accrual Plans
- Disposable Income Definitions
4. Scheduling
- Working Time Templates
- Working Time Calendars
- Planning the Template For a Schedule
5. Position Setup
- Payroll Setup For a Position
6. Worker Setup
- Earning Codes
- Taxes
- Benefits
- Garnishments and Tax Levies
- Benefit Accruals
- Bank Accounts
- Position Assignment Changes
7. Payroll Processing
- Generate Worker Earnings
- Work With Earnings Statements
- Generate Pay Statements
- Work With Pay Statements
- Issue Worker Payments
- Post Payroll and Generate Vendor Invoices for Benefits and Taxes
- Work With Issued Pay Statements