- Intrastat
- VAT Rate Change Tool
- E-Services and Document Management
- Multicurrency
- Budgets
- Cost Accounting
- Cash Flow Forecast
- Financial Reporting and Analysis
1. Intrastat
- Intrastat: What?
- Set Up Intrastat
- Process Intrastat in Sales and Purchases
- Report Intrastat
2. VAT Rate Change Tool
- Prepare for VAT Rate Change Tool
- Using the VAT Rate Change Tool
3. E-Services and Document Management
- Creating Manually Incoming Documents
- OCR Service
- OCR Line Recognition
- Sending Electronic Documents-Setup
- Sending Electronic Documents-Usage
- Send and Receive Electronic PEPPOL Documents with a Provider - Part 1
- Send and Receive Electronic PEPPOL Documents with a Provider - Part 2
4. Multicurrency
- Currency Card and Currency Exchange Rates
- Set Up Multicurrency for Customers, Vendors, and Bank Accounts
- Process Sales and Purchase Documents
- Adjust Exchange Rates Batch Job for Customers, Vendors, and Bank Accounts
- Process Payments and Cash Receipts
- Set Up Additional Reporting Currency
- Adjust Exchange Rate Batch Job for G/L Accounts
5. Budgets
- General Ledger Budgets
- Copying Budgets
- Exporting and Importing Budgets
6. Cost Accounting
- Cost Account versus General Ledger Accounting
- Workflow in Cost Accounting
- Master Data in Cost Accounting - Cost Types
- Master Data in Cost Accounting - Cost Centers
- Master Data in Cost Accounting - Cost Objects
- Setting Up Cost Accounting
- Cost Entries
- Transfer G/L Entries to CA
- Cost Journals
- Cost Budgets
- Cost Allocations
- Cost Allocation - Static Allocations
- Cost Allocation - Dynamic Allocations
- Allocate Costs
- Cost Accounting Reporting
7. Cash Flow Forecast
- Functions of the Cash Flow Forecast
- Setting Up Cash Flow Forecasts
- Creating Cash Flow Forecasts
- Cash Flow Manual Revenues and Expenses
- Cash Flow Worksheet
- Cash Flow Forecast Reporting
8. Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Analyze the Chart of Accounts
- Financial Statements
- Account Schedules
- Account Schedules - Column Layout
- Account Schedules Output
- Account Schedules - Filter with Dimensions
- Analysis by Dimensions
- Export Analysis Views to Excel
- Combine Analysis Views with Account Schedules
- Finance Performance Charts
- XBRL Terminology
- XBRL Specifications and Taxonomies
- Enter XBRL Line Definitions
- Export the XBRL Lines