- An Introduction to Android
- Starting with IDEs and Android –SDK
- Exploring android development tools for real time debugging and testing applications- Using AVD
- Exploring android development tools for real time debugging and testing applications- Using ADB
- Android Architecture Overview
- Java Fundamentals for Android Application Development
- Java Fundamentals for Android Application Development
- Android Application Development
- Android User Interface
- Activating Other Android Components
- Utilizing different inbuilt APIs and Using Google Web service
- Common Application Building Blocks
- Application Case Studies
1. An Introduction to Android
- Android & Smart Phones
- A Brief History
- Important Versions
- Android & Applications
- Android Resources
2. Starting with IDEs and Android –SDK
- Eclipse IDE or IntelliJ Studio for creating UIs effectively or starting with Android ADT-Bundle
- Updating eclipse for different types tools
- Integrating IDE with android-SDK
3.Exploring android development tools for real time debugging and testing applications- Using AVD
- Creating AVD using AVD manager
- Updating SDK for latest release
4. Exploring android development tools for real time debugging and testing applications- Using ADB
- ADB and its use
- Connecting physical devices with computer and testing developed applications
- Useful Linux command to interact with the system via command line(in windows) or terminal(in Linux and Macintosh)
5. Android Architecture Overview
- Android Architecture
- Linux Kernel
- Linux Kernel 2.6
- Androidisms
- Security
- Android System Libraries
- Android Runtime Environment
- Dalvik VM
- Dexclassfile format
- Core Libraries
- Android Application Framework
- Applications
- Java Programming Language
- Tracing a Voice Call
6. Java Fundamentals for Android Application Development
- Java Background
- OOPs Concepts
- Classes
- Constructors
- Access Modifiers
7. Java Fundamentals for Android Application Development
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism: Overloading
- Exceptions
- Packages
8. Android Application Development
- Android Application Fundamentals
- Activity & Activity Lifecycle
- Anatomy of an Android Application
- Java Source Files
- Android Application Manifest
- Specifying Application Configurations
- Application Resources
- Layouts
- Drawables
- Strings and Arrays
- Databases
- Preferences
- Generated Resource Files
- Application 'apk' packaging
- Eclipse & Android SDK Walkthrough
9. Android User Interface
- Views &Viewgroups
- View Elements
- Initialization & Populating
- Dynamic Updates
- Layout Types
- Listeners & Binding actions to view elements
10. Activating Other Android Components
- Need for activating other activities and classes
- Activity, Broadcast Receivers & Services
- Intents & Intent-Filters
- Types of Intent
- How do intents & intent-Filters work in tandem
- Calling specific APIs in Started Activity:
- Start Activity
- Start for Activity for Result
- Communicating results
- Content Providers
- Content Resolvers
11. Utilizing different inbuilt APIs and Using Google Web service
- Exploring MAP APIs to access map using Google web service
- Exploring MediaPlayer framework
- Thread management to updating UI and Content dynamically
- Exploring AsyncTask and Handler in accordance with thread
12. Common Application Building Blocks
- Date and Time
- Databases
- Communication
- Preferences
- Miscellaneous
13. Application Case Studies
- Based on tangible applications.