- Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL
- Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL
- Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with Oracle Forms
- Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Build Reports
Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL
Introduction to Oracle Database
- List the features of Oracle Database 12c
- Discuss the basic design, theoretical, and physical aspects of a relational database
- Categorize the different types of SQL statements
- Describe the data set used by the course
- Log on to the database using SQL Developer environment
- Save queries to files and use script files in SQL Developer
Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
- List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
- Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement
- Select All Columns
- Select Specific Columns
- Use Column Heading Defaults
- Use Arithmetic Operators
- Understand Operator Precedence
- Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure
Learn to Restrict and Sort Data
- Write queries that contain a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved
- List the comparison operators and logical operators that are used in a WHERE clause
- Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators
- Use character string literals in the WHERE clause
- Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the output of a SELECT statement
- Sort output in descending and ascending order
Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
- Describe the differences between single row and multiple row functions
- Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
- Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions
- Perform arithmetic with date data
- Manipulate dates with the DATE functions
Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
- Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
- Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
- Nest multiple functions
- Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data
- Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement
Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions
- Use the aggregation functions to produce meaningful reports
- Divide the retrieved data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause
- Exclude groups of data by using the HAVING clause
Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins
- Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table
- View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins
- Join a table to itself by using a self-join
Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries
- Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve
- Define sub-queries
- List the types of sub-queries
- Write single-row and multiple-row sub-queries
The SET Operators
- Describe the SET operators
- Use a SET operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
- Control the order of rows returned
Data Manipulation Statements
- Describe each DML statement
- Insert rows into a table
- Change rows in a table by the UPDATE statement
- Delete rows from a table with the DELETE statement
- Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
- Explain read consistency
Use of DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
- Categorize the main database objects
- Review the table structure
- List the data types available for columns
- Create a simple table
- Decipher how constraints can be created at table creation
- Describe how schema objects work
Other Schema Objects
- Create a simple and complex view
- Retrieve data from views
- Create, maintain, and use sequences
- Create and maintain indexes
- Create private and public synonyms
Control User Access
- Differentiate system privileges from object privileges
- Create Users
- Grant System Privileges
- Create and Grant Privileges to a Role
- Change Your Password
- Grant Object Privileges
- How to pass on privileges?
- Revoke Object Privileges
Management of Schema Objects
- Add, Modify, and Drop a Column
- Add, Drop, and Defer a Constraint
- How to enable and Disable a Constraint?
- Create and Remove Indexes
- Create a Function-Based Index
- Perform Flashback Operations
- Create an External Table by Using ORACLE_LOADER and by Using ORACLE_DATAPUMP
- Query External Tables
Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views
- Explain the data dictionary
- Use the Dictionary Views
- Table and Column Information
- Query the dictionary views for constraint information
- Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index and synonym information
- Add a comment to a table
- Query the dictionary views for comment information
Manipulate Large Data Sets
- Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data
- Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source
- Insert Using a Subquery as a Target
- Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements
- List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements
- Use Multitable INSERT Statements
- Merge rows in a table
- Track Changes in Data over a period of time
Data Management in different Time Zones
- Time Zones
- Compare Date and Time in a Session’s Time Zone
- Difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP
- INTERVAL Data Types
Retrieve Data Using Sub-queries
- Multiple-Column Subqueries
- Pairwise and Non-pairwise Comparison
- Scalar Subquery Expressions
- Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries
- Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries
- The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators
- Invoke the WITH clause
- The Recursive WITH clause
Regular Expression Support
- Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL
- Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions
- Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function
- Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function
- Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function
- Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function
- Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support
- Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function
Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL
Introduction to PL/SQL
- Overview of PL/SQL
- Identify the benefits of PL/SQL Subprograms
- Overview of the types of PL/SQL blocks
- Create a Simple Anonymous Block
- How to generate output from a PL/SQL Block?
Declare PL/SQL Identifiers
- List the different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram
- Usage of the Declarative Section to Define Identifiers
- Use variables to store data
- Identify Scalar Data Types
- The %TYPE Attribute
- What are Bind Variables?
- Sequences in PL/SQL Expressions
Write Executable Statements
- Describe Basic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines
- Learn to Comment the Code
- Deployment of SQL Functions in PL/SQL
- How to convert Data Types?
- Describe Nested Blocks
- Identify the Operators in PL/SQL
Interaction with the Oracle Server
- Invoke SELECT Statements in PL/SQL
- Retrieve Data in PL/SQL
- SQL Cursor concept
- Avoid Errors by using Naming Conventions when using Retrieval and DML Statements
- Data Manipulation in the Server using PL/SQL
- Understand the SQL Cursor concept
- Use SQL Cursor Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML
- Save and Discard Transactions
Control Structures
- Conditional processing using IF Statements
- Conditional processing using CASE Statements
- Describe simple Loop Statement
- Describe While Loop Statement
- Describe For Loop Statement
- Use the Continue Statement
Composite Data Types
- Use PL/SQL Records
- The %ROWTYPE Attribute
- Insert and Update with PL/SQL Records
- INDEX BY Tables
- Examine INDEX BY Table Methods
- Use INDEX BY Table of Records
Explicit Cursors
- What are Explicit Cursors?
- Declare the Cursor
- Open the Cursor
- Fetch data from the Cursor
- Close the Cursor
- Cursor FOR loop
- The %NOTFOUND and %ROWCOUNT Attributes
- Describe the FOR UPDATE Clause and WHERE CURRENT Clause
Exception Handling
- Understand Exceptions
- Handle Exceptions with PL/SQL
- Trap Predefined Oracle Server Errors
- Trap Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors
- Trap User-Defined Exceptions
- Propagate Exceptions
Stored Procedures
- Create a Modularized and Layered Subprogram Design
- Modularize Development With PL/SQL Blocks
- Understand the PL/SQL Execution Environment
- List the benefits of using PL/SQL Subprograms
- List the differences between Anonymous Blocks and Subprograms
- Create, Call, and Remove Stored Procedures
- Implement Procedures Parameters and Parameters Modes
- View Procedure Information
Stored Functions and Debugging Subprograms
- Create, Call, and Remove a Stored Function
- Identify the advantages of using Stored Functions
- Identify the steps to create a stored function
- Invoke User-Defined Functions in SQL Statements
- Restrictions when calling Functions
- Control side effects when calling Functions
- View Functions Information
- How to debug Functions and Procedures?
- Listing the advantages of Packages
- Describe Packages
- What are the components of a Package?
- Develop a Package
- How to enable visibility of a Package’s Components?
- Create the Package Specification and Body using the SQL CREATE Statement and SQL Developer
- Invoke the Package Constructs
- View the PL/SQL Source Code using the Data Dictionary
Deploying Packages
- Overloading Subprograms in PL/SQL
- Use the STANDARD Package
- Use Forward Declarations to solve Illegal Procedure Reference
- Implement Package Functions in SQL and Restrictions
- Persistent State of Packages
- Persistent State of a Package Cursor
- Control side effects of PL/SQL Subprograms
- Invoke PL/SQL Tables of Records in Packages
Implement Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development
- What are Oracle-Supplied Packages?
- Examples of some of the Oracle-Supplied Packages
- How does the DBMS_OUTPUT Package work?
- Use the UTL_FILE Package to Interact with Operating System Files
- Invoke the UTL_MAIL Package
- Write UTL_MAIL Subprograms
Dynamic SQL
- The Execution Flow of SQL
- What is Dynamic SQL?
- Declare Cursor Variables
- Dynamically Executing a PL/SQL Block
- Configure Native Dynamic SQL to Compile PL/SQL Code
- How to invoke DBMS_SQL Package?
- Implement DBMS_SQL with a Parameterized DML Statement
- Dynamic SQL Functional Completeness
Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code
- Standardize Constants and Exceptions
- Understand Local Subprograms
- Write Autonomous Transactions
- Implement the NOCOPY Compiler Hint
- Invoke the PARALLEL_ENABLE Hint
- The Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache
- The DETERMINISTIC Clause with Functions
- Usage of Bulk Binding to Improve Performance
- Describe Triggers
- Identify the Trigger Event Types and Body
- Business Application Scenarios for Implementing Triggers
- Create DML Triggers using the CREATE TRIGGER Statement and SQL Developer
- Identify the Trigger Event Types, Body, and Firing (Timing)
- Differences between Statement Level Triggers and Row Level Triggers
- Create Instead of and Disabled Triggers
- How to Manage, Test and Remove Triggers?
Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers
- What are Compound Triggers?
- Identify the Timing-Point Sections of a Table Compound Trigger
- Understand the Compound Trigger Structure for Tables and Views
- Implement a Compound Trigger to Resolve the Mutating Table Error
- Comparison of Database Triggers to Stored Procedures
- Create Triggers on DDL Statements
- Create Database-Event and System-Events Triggers
- System Privileges Required to Manage Triggers
PL/SQL Compiler
- What is the PL/SQL Compiler?
- Describe the Initialization Parameters for PL/SQL Compilation
- List the new PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings
- Overview of PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings for Subprograms
- List the benefits of Compiler Warnings
- List the PL/SQL Compile Time Warning Messages Categories
- Setting the Warning Messages Levels: Using SQL Developer, PLSQL_WARNINGS Initialization Parameter, and the DBMS_WARNING Package Subprograms
- View Compiler Warnings: Using SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, or the Data Dictionary Views
Manage Dependencies
- Overview of Schema Object Dependencies
- Query Direct Object Dependencies using the USER_DEPENDENCIES View
- Query an Object’s Status
- Invalidation of Dependent Objects
- Display the Direct and Indirect Dependencies
- Fine-Grained Dependency Management in Oracle Database 12c
- Understand Remote Dependencies
- Recompile a PL/SQL Program Unit
Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with Oracle Forms
Running a Forms Application
- Running a Form
- Identifying the Data Elements
- Navigating a Forms Application
- Using the Modes of Operation
- Querying Data
- Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Records
- Saving Changes
- Displaying Errors
Working in the Forms Builder Environment
- Forms Builder Key Features
- Forms Builder Components
- Navigating the Forms Builder Interface
- Forms Builder Module Object Hierarchy
- Customizing Your Forms Builder Session
- Forms Executables and Module Types
- Defining Environment Variables
- Testing a Form with the Run Form Button
Creating a Basic Form Module
- Creating a New Form Module
- Creating a New Data Bock
- Using Template Forms
- Saving and Compiling a Form Module
- Module Types and Storage Formats
- Deploying a Form Module
- Producing Documentation
Creating a Master-Detail Form
- Creating Data Blocks with Relationships
- Running a Master-Detail Form Module
- Modifying the Structure of a Data Block
- Modifying the Layout of a Data Block
Working Data Blocks and Frames
- Managing Object Properties
- Creating Visual Attributes
- Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Data Blocks
- Controlling Frame Properties
- Displaying Multiple Property Palettes
- Setting Properties on Multiple Objects
- Copying Properties
- Creating Control Blocks
Working with Text Items
- Creating a Text Item
- Modifying the Appearance of a Text Item
- Controlling the Data of a Text Item
- Altering the Navigational Behavior of a Text Item
- Enhancing the Relationship between Text Item and Database
- Adding Functionality to a Text Item
- Displaying Helpful Messages
Creating LOVs and Editors
- LOVs and Record Groups
- Creating an LOV Manually
- Using the LOV Wizard to Create an LOV
- Setting LOV Properties
- LOV Column Mapping
- Defining an Editor
- Setting Editor Properties
- Associating an Editor with a Text Item
Creating Additional Input Items
- Input Items Overview
- Creating a Check Box
- Creating a List Item
- Creating a Radio Group
Creating Noninput Items
- Noninput Items Overview
- Creating a Display Item
- Creating an Image Item
- Creating a Push Button
- Creating a Calculated Item
- Creating a Hierarchical Tree Item
- Creating a Bean Area Item
Creating Windows and Content Canvases
- Displaying a Form Module in Multiple Windows
- Creating a New Window
- Displaying a Form Module on Multiple Layouts
- Creating a New Content Canvas
Working with Other Canvas Types
- Overview of Canvas Types
- Creating a Stacked Canvas
- Creating a Toolbar
- Creating a Tab Canvas
Producing and Debugging Triggers
- Trigger Overview
- Creating Triggers in Forms Builder
- Specifying Execution Hierarchy
- PL/SQL Editor Features
- Using the Database Trigger Editor
- Using Variables in Triggers
- Adding Functionality with Built-in Subprograms
- Using the Forms Debugger
Adding Functionality to Items
- Coding Item Interaction Triggers
- Interacting with Noninput Items
Displaying Run-Time Messages and Alerts
- Built-Ins and Handling Errors
- Controlling System Messages
- Triggers for Intercepting System Messages
- Creating and Controlling Alerts
- Handling Server Errors
Using Query Triggers
- Query Processing Overview
- SELECT Statements Issued During Query Processing
- Setting WHERE and ORDER BY clauses and ONETIME_WHERE property
- Writing Query Triggers
- Query Array Processing
- Coding Triggers for Enter-Query Mode
- Overriding Default Query Processing
- Obtaining Query Information at Run Time
Validating User Input
- Validation Process
- Controlling Validation by Using Properties
- Controlling Validation by Using Triggers
- Performing Client-Side Validation with PJCs
- Tracking Validation Status
- Using Built-ins to Control When Validation Occurs
Controlling Navigation
- Using Object Properties to Control Navigation
- Writing Navigation Triggers
- Avoiding the Navigation Trap
- Using Navigation Built-Ins in Triggers
Overriding or Supplementing Transaction Processing
- Transaction Processing Overview
- Using Commit Triggers
- Testing the Results of Trigger DML
- DML Statements Issued during Commit Processing
- Overriding Default Transaction Processing
- Getting and Setting the Commit Status
- Implementing Array DML
Writing Flexible Code
- What is Flexible Code?
- Using System Variables for Flexible Coding
- Using Built-in Subprograms for Flexible Coding
- Copying and Subclassing Objects and Code
- Referencing Objects by Internal ID
- Referencing Items Indirectly
Sharing Objects and Code
- Benefits of Reusable Objects and Code
- Working with Property Classes
- Working with Object Groups
- Copying and Subclassing Objects and Code
- Working with Object Libraries
- Working with SmartClasses
- Reusing PL/SQL
- Working with PL/SQL Libraries
Using WebUtil to Interact with the Client
- Benefits of WebUtil
- Integrating WebUtil into a Form
- Interacting with the Client
Introducing Multiple Form Applications
- Multiple Form Applications Overview
- Starting Another Form Module
- Defining Multiple Form Functionality
- Sharing Data among Modules
Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Build Reports
Introduction to Oracle Reports Developer
- Business Intelligence
- Enterprise Reporting
- Oracle Reports Developer
- Oracle Database 10g
- Oracle Developer Suite 10g
- Oracle Application Server 10g
- OracleAS Reports Services
- OracleAS Reports Services Architecture for the Web
Designing and Running Reports
- Understanding User Requirements
- Designing Reports
- Tabular
- Master-Detail
- Master with Two Details
- Matrix
- Retrieving and Sharing Data
- Running a Report
Exploring Oracle Reports Developer
- Reports Developer Executables
- Invoking Reports Builder
- Reports Builder Modules
- Report Data and Layout
- Reports Builder Components
- Object Navigator
- Report-Level Objects
- Data Model Objects
Creating a Paper Report
- Report Module Components
- Building a Paper Report
- Viewing the Paper Report Output
- Saving the Report Definition
- Reentering the Wizard
- Creating Break Reports
- Break Report Labels
- Creating Mailing Labels and Letters
Enhancing a Basic Paper Report
- What Is the Paper Design?
- The Paper Design Window
- Modifying a Report
- Aligning Columns
- Setting a Format Mask
- Manipulating Objects
- Modifying Visual Attributes
- Applying Conditional Formatting
Managing Report Templates
- Using Report Templates
- Modifying a Template
- Customizing the Template Margin
- Customizing the Template Body
- Adding Web Links to a Template for Report HTML Output
- Predefining Your Own Templates
- Adding a Template Preview Image
Creating a Web Report
- What Is JSP Technology?
- JSP Advantages
- Simple JSP Example
- Building a Web Report
- Using the Report Wizard
- Report Editor: Web Source View
- JSP Tags
- Web Source Example
Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model: Queries and Groups
- The Data Model Objects
- Modifying Properties of a Query
- Applying Changes
- Changing the Group Structure
- Group Hierarchy
- Ordering Data in a Group
- Query Modifications
- Filtering Data in a Group
Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model: Data Sources
- Data Source Types
- Pluggable Data Sources
- Using XML as a Data Source
- Document Type Definition File
- OLAP Data Source
- Using Text as a Data Source
- Using JDBC as a Data Source
- Using REF Cursor Queries
Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model: Creating Columns
- Data Model Columns
- Maintaining Data Source Columns
- Producing File Content Output
- Creating a Column
- Creating Summary Columns
- Displaying Subtotals
- Displaying Percentages
- Creating a Formula Column
Enhancing Reports Using the Paper Layout
- Viewing the Paper Layout
- Designing Multipanel Reports
- Printing Multipanel Reports
- Different Objects in the Paper Layout
- The Paper Layout Layers
- Report Processing
- Paper Layout Tools
- Report Bursting
Controlling the Paper Layout: Common Properties
- Modifying Paper Layout Object Properties
- Common Layout Properties
- Sizing Objects
- Anchors
- Layout Object Relationships
- Pagination Icons in the Paper Layout
- Controlling Print Frequency
- Using Format Triggers
Controlling the Paper Layout: Specific Properties
- Properties of a Repeating Frame
- Specifying Print Direction
- Controlling the Number of Records per Page
- Controlling Spacing Between Records
- Minimum Widow Records
- System Variables
- Valid Source Columns
- Displaying File Contents
Web Reporting
- Comparing Static and Dynamic Reporting
- Adding Dynamic Content
- Creating a Report Block
- Invoking the Report Block Wizard
- Examining the Web Source Code
- rw:foreach Tag
- rw:field Tag
- Customizing Reports JSPs
Extending Functionality Using XML
- Why Use XML Report Definitions?
- Creating XML Report Definitions
- Partial Report Definitions: Format Modification Example
- Partial Report Definitions: Format Exception Example
- Full Report Definition: Data Model Modification Example
- Running XML Report Definitions
- Debugging XML Report Definitions
Creating and Using Report Parameters
- Creating User Parameters
- Referencing Parameters in a Report Query
- Using Bind References
- Using Lexical References
- Hints and Tips When Referencing Parameters
- Creating a List of Values
- Referencing System Parameters
- Building a Paper Parameter Form
Embedding a Graph in a Report
- Adding a Graph to a Paper Report
- Adding a Graph to a Web Report
- Selecting the Graph Type
- Selecting the Graph Data
- Adding Options to the Graph
- Customizing Web Graphs
- The rw:graph Tag
- Customizing Graphs Using the Graph.XML File
Enhancing Matrix Reports
- The Matrix Data Model
- The Matrix Paper Layout
- Creating Matrix Summaries
- Creating the Matrix Manually
- The Matrix with Group Data Model
- The Matrix with Group Layout
- Building a Nested Matrix
- Nested Matrix Paper Layout
Coding PL/SQL Triggers
- Types of Triggers in Reports
- Trigger Code
- Using Report Triggers
- Using Data Model Triggers: PL/SQL Group Filter
- Using Data Model Triggers: Parameter Validation
- Using Layout Triggers
- Using Format Triggers
- Event-Based Reporting
Extending Functionality Using the SRW Package
- Contents of the SRW Package
- Outputting Messages
- Executing a Nested Report
- Restricting Data
- Initializing Fields
- Creating a Table of Contents
- Performing DDL Statements
- Setting Format Attributes
Maximizing Performance Using OracleAS Reports Services
- Running Reports Using OracleAS Reports Services
- Report Request Methods
- Oracle Application Server Components
- Enabling Single Sign-On Access
- Running the Web Layout: JSP Run-time Architecture
- Running the Paper Layout: Servlet Run-time Architecture
- Running a Paper Report on the Web
- Queue Manager
Building Reports: Efficiency Guidelines
- Tuning Reports
- Performance Measurement
- Non SQL Data Sources
- Investigating the Data Model
- Investigating the Paper Layout
- Running the Report
- Different Development and Run-Time Environments
- Developing Reports to Run in Different GUIs