- 1. Develop classes and describe how to declare a class
- 2. Analyze a business problem in order to recognize objects and operations that form the building blocks of the Java program design
- 3. Define the term
- 4. Demonstrate Java programming syntax
- 5. Write a simple Java program that compiles and runs successfully
- 6. Declare and initialize variables
- 7. List several primitive data types
- 8. Instantiate an object and effectively use object reference variables
- 9. Use operators, loops, and decision constructs
- 10. Declare and instantiate Arrays and ArrayLists and be able to iterate through them
- 11. Describe the benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- 12. List and describe several key features of the Java technology
- 13. Declare a method with arguments and return values
- 14. Use inheritance to declare and define a subclass of an existing superclass
- 15. Describe how errors are handled in a Java program
- 16. Describe examples of how Java is used in applications, as well as consumer products
Oracle Java SE 7 Fundamentals training lays as a foundation course and guides the aspirants in exploring the programming concepts and skills to develop codes using Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7), and Java SE Development Kit 7 (JDK 7). The aspirants will gain hands-on practice on developing programs using different features of Java and assuring secure execution by implementing simple error handling techniques.
At the completion of this Oracle Java SE 7 Fundamentals training, the participants will exhibit the following skills:
- Learn Java programming language fundamentals
- Construct Java applications using JSE 7 and JDK
- Build the flow of data and accordingly select the programming components
- Build the programming logic using object-oriented (OO) concepts
- Use and manipulate object references
- Explore Java SE7 platform to build the real world applications
- Developer
- Application Developers
- Web Administrator
- System Administrator
- Technical Administrator
- Technical Consultant
- Project Manager
- Portal Developer
The candidates with little or no experience in programming, however, interested to take career in programming can undergo this training.