- Course Introduction
- Oracle NoSQL Database: Overview
- Planning An Installation
- Installing and Configuring Nodes
- Configuring and Deploying A KVStore
- Modifying a KVStore
- Securing the Configuration
- Troubleshooting Oracle NoSQL Database Installation Issues
- Fixing Hardware Failures
- Setting Store Parameters
- Optimizing KVStore Performance
- General Monitoring
- Backup and Recovery
- Managing AVRO Schema
- Upgrading the Software
Course Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Course Schedule
- Course Environment
- Accessing the Labs Directory
- Introducing Personas
- Course Supplement
- Additional Resources
Oracle NoSQL Database: Overview
- Oracle NoSQL Database
- Key Features
- Benefits of Using Oracle NoSQL Database
- Supported Data Types
- How Does the Oracle NoSQL Database Work?
- Oracle NoSQL Database Components
- Partitions and Key Value Pairs
- Performance and Throughput
Planning An Installation
- KVStore Analysis: Tasks
- Understanding Storage Capacity and Throughput Capacity
- Using InitialCapacityPlanning Spreadsheet
- Application Requirements
- Hardware Requirements
- Performance Requirements: Estimating Workload
- Performance Requirements: Estimating Throughput
- Performance Requirements: Estimating Cache Size
Installing and Configuring Nodes
- Prerequisites Checklist
- Installation Steps
- Creating Directories
- Extracting Software
- Verifying the Installation
- Configuring the Replication Node
- Using the makebootconfig Utility
- Starting Storage Node Agents
Configuring and Deploying A KVStore
- Configuration Steps
- Introducing Plans
- States of a Plan
- Starting the Admin CLI
- Configuring KVStore
- Creating a Data Center/Zone
- Deploying an Admin Node
- Creating a Storage Pool
Modifying a KVStore
- Reasons to modify a cluster
- Increasing a clusters capacity
- Increasing a clusters replication factor
- Steps to modify a cluster
Securing the Configuration
- Security Overview
- Performing a secure installation using makebootconfig
- Secure an existing installation using securityconfig
- Security.xml Parameters
- Encrypting Data
- Configuring Authentication
- Default Security Policies
- Security Guidelines
Troubleshooting Oracle NoSQL Database Installation Issues
- Verifying a KVStore
- Verify Command
- Verification Using Admin Console
- Locating the Installed Files
- Understanding the Installed Files
- Understanding the Log File
- Service States
- HA Port Ranges
Fixing Hardware Failures
- Hardware Failures: Overview
- Network Failure
- Recovering from Network Failure
- Detecting Storage Device Failures
- Replacing a Failed Storage Device
- Detecting Server Failures
- Replacing a Failed Storage Node
- Migrating to the New Storage Node
Setting Store Parameters
- Introducing KVStore Parameters
- List of Parameters
- Parameter Usage
- Viewing Parameters Using CLI
- Viewing Parameters Using the Admin Console
- Changing Parameters Using CLI
- Changing Parameters Using Admin Console
- Setting Replication Node Policy
Optimizing KVStore Performance
- Best Practice: Set Optimal JE Cache Size
- Estimating JE Cache SizeRequirement
- Setting JE Cache Size
- Best Practice: JVM
- Best Practice: Set Optimal Java Heap Size
- Estimating Java Heap Size
- Setting Java Heap Size
- Best Practice: Log Garbage Collection Activity
General Monitoring
- Monitoring the KVStore (include SNMP and JMX)
- Events
- Viewing the Events: Using Admin Console
- Viewing the Events: Using CLI
- Using SNMP and JMX
Backup and Recovery
- Backup Process
- Introducing Snapshots
- Using Snapshots
- Recover Process
- Recovery: Using a Load Program
- Using the Load Program Guidelines
- Recovery: Directly Using Snapshots
- Updating an Existing Deployment
Managing AVRO Schema
- Introducing AVRO schema
- JSON format
- Adding a schema
- Changing a schema
- Viewing a schema
- Disabling a schema
- Enabling a schema
Upgrading the Software
- Upgrade Process: Overview
- Pre-requisites
- Upgrading from R1 to R2
- Upgrading from R2 to R3
- Using a script