- Module 1: The Software Installation
- Module 2: The Database Structures used in MariaDB
- Module 3: Basics on handling data
- Module 4: Built-in functions
- Module 11: Generic Views
- Module 12: Data Caching for Performance
- Module 13: Django's Email Functionality
- Module 14: Deploying Django Applications
Module 1: The Software Installation
Installing MYSQL and MariaDB
- The installation Packages
- Licensing
- Finding the software
- Choosing a Distribution
- The_AMP Alternatives
- Post installation
The Basics and the mysqlClient
- The mysql Client
- Connecting to the server
- Starting to explore Databases
Module 2: The Database Structures used in MariaDB
Creating Databases and Tables
- Creating a Database
- Create tables
- Inserting the data
- Examples
Altering tables
- Prudence when altering table
- Essential changes
- Optional changes
- Indexes
- Examples
Module 3: Basics on handling data
Inserting data
- The syntaxs
- Real-time exampless
- Other possibilitiess
- Examples s
Selecting data
- Basic selection
- Selecting by criteria
- Ordering results
- Limiting results
- Combining tables
- Expressions and the like
- Counting and grouping results
- Examples
Updating and deleting data
- Updating data
- Deleting the data
- Examples
Joining and Subquerying Data
- Merging Results
- Joining Tables
- Subqueries
- Examples
Module 4: Built-in functions
String Functions
- Formatting Strings
- Extracting Text
- Searching Strings and Using Lengths
- Converting String Types
- Compression String
- Examples
Date and Time Functions
- Date and Time Data types
- Current Date and Time
- Extracting Date and Time components
- Formatting dates
- Adjusting to standards and TimeZones
- Adding and subtracting Dates and Time
- Comparing Dates and times
- Examples
Aggregate and Numeric Functions
- Aggregate functions
- Numeric functions
- Examples