- Overview about Typescript
- ES5 and ES6
- Why Typescript
1. Getting Started with Angular
- What is Angular?
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Your First Angular App
2. Introduction to Components
- Introduction to Components Property Binding
- What Is a Component
- Creating the Component Class
- Defining the Metadata with a Decorator
- Importing What We Need
- Demo - Creating the App Component
- Bootstrapping Our App Component
3. Templates, Interpolation, and Directives
- Introduction to Templates, Interpolation, and Directives
- Building a Template
- Building the Component
- Using a Component as a Directive
- Binding with Interpolation
- Adding Logic with Directives – ngIf
- Adding Logic with Directives – ngFor
4. Data Binding & Pipes
- Introduction to Data Binding & Pipes
- Property Binding
- Handling Events with Event Binding
- Handling Input with Two-way Binding
- Transforming Data with Pipes
- Pure and Impure Pipes
5. More on Components
- Introduction to More on Components
- Defining Interfaces
- Encapsulating Component Styles
- Using Lifecycle Hooks
- Building Custom Pipes
- Relative Paths with Module Id
6. Building Nested Components
- Introduction to Building Nested Components
- Building a Nested Component
- Using a Nested Component
- Passing Data to a Nested Component Using @Input
- Passing Data from a Component Using @Output
7. Forms
- How to work with Forms
8. Services and Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Services and Dependency Injection
- How Does It Work
- Building a Service
- Registering the Service
- Injecting the Service
9. Retrieving Data Using HTTP
- Introduction to Retrieving Data Using HTTP
- Observables and Reactive Extensions
- Sending an HTTP Request
- Exception Handling
- Subscribing to an Observable
10. Navigation and Routing Basics
- Introduction to Navigation and Routing Basics
- How Routing Works
- Configuring Routes
- Tying Routes to Actions
- Placing the Views
- Create Single Page Application(SPA)
1. Introduction
- Overview of NodeJS
- Installing NodeJS on windows
2. Exploring language additions to the V8 JavaScript engine
- Role of Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Global vs. Local NPM installation
3. Understanding NodeJS
- Understanding require() and modules
- Understanding callback execution in the event loop
- Creating a project
- The package.json configuration file
4. HTTP and File System
- The HTTP protocol
- Building an HTTP server
- Rendering a response
- Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
- Path and directory operations
- __dirname and __filename
- Asynchronous file reads and writes
- Watch Update
5. Buffers, Streams, and Events
- Using buffers for binary data
- Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
- Streaming I/O from files and other sources
- Processing streams asynchronously
- Configuring event handlers
6. Using Express Framework
- What is Express.js?
- Installing Express.js
- Building a Hello Express application
7. Working with Models, Views, and Routes
- Creating routes
- Creating view with ejs & jade engine
- Using templates
- Adding partials
- Using locals and conditional templates
- Modularizing our routes
- Working with Data
8. Database
- RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
- Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases
9. Working with MongoDB
- Setting Up MongoDB
- Installing MongoDB
- Using Mongo DB in Node.js
- Structuring Your Data for MongoDB
- Understanding the Basic Operations
10. Working with Restful web services
- Getting Data
- Posting Data
- Updating Data
11. Angular With Node
- How to integrate Angular App with Node