- Module 1: Getting started with Python
- Module 2: Flow Control in-depth
- Module 3: Sequences and File Operations
- Module 4: Functions
- Module 5: Working with Files
- Module 6: Errors and Exception Handling
- Module 7: Dictionaries and Sets
- Module 8: Using Modules
- Module 9: Regular Expressions
- Module 10: Object Oriented Programming in Python
- Module 11: MySQL
- Module 12: Creating Reports with MySQL and Python
- Module 13: Django
- Module 14: Configuring URLconf's
- Module 15: Django Templates
- Module 16: Django Forms
- Module 17: Django and REST APIs
- Module 18: Unit testing with Django
- Module 19: Database models
- Module 20: Using Django Admin Interface
- Module 21: Access Control with Sessions and Users
- Module 22: Generic Views
- Module 23: Data Caching for Performance
- Module 24: Django's Email Functionality
- Module 25: Deploying Django Applications
Module 1: Getting started with Python
- Installations and versions 2.x and 3.x
- History of Python
- Why to use Python?
- Starting Python
- Interpreter PATH
- Using the Interpreter
- Running a Python Script
- Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows
- Python Editors and IDEs
- Using Variables, Keywords
- Built-in Functions
- Strings, Different Literals, Math Operators and Expressions
- Writing to the Screen
- String Formatting
- Command Line Parameters
Module 2: Flow Control in-depth
- About Flow Control
- Indenting is significant
- The if and elif statements
- while loops
- Using lists
- Using the for statement
- The range() function
Module 3: Sequences and File Operations
- Lists
- Tuples
- Indexing and Slicing
- Iterating through a Sequence
- Functions for all Sequences
- Using Enumerate()
- Operators and Keywords for Sequences
- The xrange() function
- List Comprehensions
- Generator Expressions
- Dictionaries and Sets
Module 4: Functions
- Syntax of function definition
- Formal parameters
- Global versus local variables
- Passing parameters and returning values
Module 5: Working with Files
- Text file I/O overview
- Opening a text file
- Reading text files
- Raw (binary) data
- Using the pickle module
- Writing to a text file
Module 6: Errors and Exception Handling
- Dealing with syntax errors
- Exceptions
- Handling exceptions with try/except
- Cleaning up with finally
Module 7: Dictionaries and Sets
- Dictionary overview
- Creating dictionaries
- Dictionary functions
- Fetching keys or values
- Testing for existence of elements
- Deleting elements
Module 8: Using Modules
- The Import Statement
- Module Search Path
- Package Installation Ways
Module 9: Regular Expressions
- RE Objects
- Pattern matching
- Parsing data
- Subexpressions
- Complex substitutions
- RE tips and tricks
Module 10: Object Oriented Programming in Python
- Introduction to Python Classes
- Defining Classes
- Initializers
- Instance Methods
- Properties
- Class Methods and Data
- Static Methods
- Private Methods and Inheritance
- Module Aliases and Regular Expressions
Module 11: MySQL
- Creating Database tables in Python
- Database Inserts and Selects in Python
- Multiple Inserts, Updates, and Complex MySQL Selects in Python
Module 12: Creating Reports with MySQL and Python
- Overview of Project Reports
- Syntax of creating Project reports
Module 13: Django
- How to install and Configure Django components
- How to create Django views?
- About View Functions
- Using Django's HttpResponse Class
- Understanding HttpRequest Objects
- Using QueryDict Objects
Module 14: Configuring URLconf's
- About URLconf
- Regular Expressions
- Expression Examples
- Simple URLConf Examples
- Using Multiple URLConf's
- Passing URL Arguments
Module 15: Django Templates
- About Templates
- Template Fundamentals
- Creating Template Objects
- Loading Template Files
- Filling in Template Content (Context Objects)
- Template Filters
- Template Tags
- More on For Loops
- Template Inheritance
- Easy Rendering of Templates
- RequestContext Processors
- Global Context Processor
Module 16: Django Forms
- Form classes
- Validation
- Authentication
- Advanced Forms processing techniques
Module 17: Django and REST APIs
- Django REST framework/li>
- Django-piston
Module 18: Unit testing with Django
- Using Python’s unittest2 library
- Test
- Test Databases
- Doctests
- Debugging
Module 19: Database models
- About Database Models
- Configuring Django for Database Access
- Understanding Django Apps
- About Django Models
- Defining Django Models
- Understanding Model Fields & Options
- Table Naming Conventions
- Creating A Django Model
- Adding the App to Your Project
- Validating the App
- Generating & Reviewing the SQL
- Adding Data to the Model
- Primary Keys and the Model
- Simple Data Retrieval Using a Model
- Understanding QuerySets
- Applying Filters
- Specifying Field Lookups
- Lookup Types
- Slicing QuerySets
- Specifying Ordering in QuerySets
- Common QuerySet Methods
- Deleting Records
- Managing Related Records
- Retrieving Related Records
- Using Q Objects
- Creating Forms from Models
Module 20: Using Django Admin Interface
- Enabling the Admin Interface
- Creating an Admin User
Module 21: Access Control with Sessions and Users
- Cookies & Django
- The Django Session Framework
- Sessions in Views
- Session Tuning
- Installing Django User Authentication
- Using Authentication in Views
- Login and Logout
- Building your Own Login/Logout Views
- Authentication Decorators
- Adding & Deactivating Users
- Asynchronous Messaging
- Managing Permissions
Module 22: Generic Views
- Simple Generic Views
- Using Generic Redirects
- Other Generic Views
- Create/Update/Delete Generic views
Module 23: Data Caching for Performance
- Data Caching
- Setting up Per-View Caching
- Site Caching
Module 24: Django's Email Functionality
- Configuring Mail Settings
- Sending Email
- Other Email Functions
Module 25: Deploying Django Applications
- Deploying Django Applications