- Introduction to Spring
- Spring Configurations
- Aspect Oriented Programming and DAO
- Data Access
- Spring Web
- Integrating Struts 2, JSF with Spring, Spring Web Flow
- Spring Security
- Spring Integration
1. Introduction to Spring
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Why Spring
- Java Frameworks
- Spring Framework architecture
- Object Coupling Problem
- Loose coupling and Tight coupling
- Dependency Injection and its types
- Bean Life cycle
- Bean scopes (singleton and prototype)
- Annie’s Quizzes
2 . Spring Configurations
- What is Autowiring?
- Different types of autowiring
- Implementing autowiring in different ways
- Spring bean definition inheritance
- Specifying default values using @value annotation
- Autowiring bean using @Autowired
- Resolving bean using @Qualifier
- Defining a component using @Component
- Using @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
- Automatic Bean discovery in a Spring application
- Using Spring Expression Language(SpEL)
3. Aspect Oriented Programming and DAO
- What is Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- AOP terminologies
- Implementing MethodBeforeAdvice
- Implementing AfterReturningAdvice
- Implementing MethodInterceptor
- Implementing ThrowsAdvice
- What is AspectJ
- AspectJ provided annotations like @Aspect, @Before etc.
- Data Access Object (DAO)pattern
- Using property files
4. Data Access
- Using Jdbc Template
- Binding variables in database query
- Mapping database rows to Java class
- Jdbc Batch Processing
- What is Hibernate?
- Working With Hibernate
- Integrating Hibernate with Spring
- Database Transaction
- Spring support for Database transactions
5. Spring Web
- Spring MVC Architecture
- MVC Components
- Setup Spring MVC Application
- Writing a Spring MVC application
- Exception Handling
- Apache Tiles
6. Integrating Struts 2, JSF with Spring, Spring Web Flow
- Understand Struts 2 and JSF
- Integration Spring with Struts
- Developing a Struts 2 application
- Integrating JSF with Spring
- Developing a JSF application
- Spring Web Flow
7. Spring Security
- Spring features for Securing applications
- Implementing Remember me feature
- Storing Encrypted Passwords
- Restricting the number of login attempts
- Logging with Log4j
- Writing test cases with JUnit
8. Spring Integration
- Introduction to messages
- Channels and Endpoints
- Receiving Messages
- Common Endpoints
- Endpoint API
- Message Flow components
- Introduction to Adapters